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Exclusive interview! Divyendu and Avinash Tiwary on Kunal Khemu and Farhan Akhtarss Madgaon Express

Exclusive interview!  Divyendu and Avinash Tiwary on Kunal Khemu and Farhan Akhtarss Madgaon Express


Kunal Khemus Madgaon Express showed that there is no need for stars for a great film. All you need are brilliant artisans and a story. In an interview for Firstpost's 'Not Just Bollywood', Divyendu and Avinash Tiwary talk about their Madgaon Express experience.

In an exclusive interview with Firstposts' Lachmi Deb Roy, actors Divyendu and Avinash Tiwari talk about their train travel experiences and what made them accept their role in Kunal Khemus.Madgaon Expresswhere the train was the hero. For Divyendu, a good producer for a film is as important as the casting and the script.

Edited excerpts from the interview:

Train is one of the heroes of
Madgaon Express
. How much do you like train travel and what good memories would you like to share with us?

Divided:The trains were very special in a way because it was our family time for the holidays. And traveling in a first class coupe was so much fun. For a very long time, when I was a kid, it was such a thing for me, because, you know, on a train you're static, but it's always moving. You can see everything moving outside which really fascinated me. I kept asking myself: How is this happening? Train travel helps connect with people and create memories. Each resort has something different to offer. It was a perfect ride.

Avinash:If I remember correctly, I actually started reading on my train journeys. I bought magazines and comics at the station. In fact, the first English novel I read was about a train journey. The ability to just sit by the window and watch the world go by was an experience in itself. I could sleep on trains just fine, because it would probably give you that cradle feeling when you're on the train, and it would put me to sleep. It's a unique experience, the fact that you can isolate yourself, be in your own world and at the same time interact with the people around you. This is something you could easily do on trains, personally for me. So I think those things really stuck with me. I always love sitting on a train and looking out the window, seeing everything go by. It’s still one of the most fascinating things to me.

When you saw the script, what made you accept this film? And did you know it was going to be so loved by audiences, audiences and critics?

Divided:Comedy is a really difficult genre. When I read the script, I thought it was really funny. In my opinion, writing is the hardest job there is. The comedy unfolded through the storyline with different characters going through different situations. I found it really funny. And I told myself that if I had as much fun reading it, I would certainly have more fun playing it.

Avinash:I think the first time I was told this, and if I'm not mistaken, Kunal just did such a fantastic job of narrating that everyone was laughing out loud, and I'm constantly adding this feeling that maybe just Kunal being the performer in this film. he is, he managed to achieve it.

To get the role

Divided:You see, for me, honestly, I mean reading a good script is one thing. Loving him is something else. Plus, I was very sure who was producing it since I was coming back with Excel. I know I worked with them forMirzapurfor 2 seasons. So I was comfortable with this piece. I believe it is very important to have a perfect producer, who will let you make the film the way you imagined it. So a good script, a good cast, good technicians and a powerful producer. It made a lot of sense to me, it was a complete package.




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