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Movie Actor Convicted of Redwood City Home Sales Scam

Movie Actor Convicted of Redwood City Home Sales Scam


A San Mateo County jury found a Los Angeles actor guilty of scamming a 66-year-old Redwood City woman into selling her home for a third of its market value.

Justin Rodgers Hall, 43, owner of Rex Regum LLC, was convicted of 15 counts, including money laundering, filing a false document, perjury, theft from an elder, commercial burglary, attempted grand larceny and robbery, reported the East Bay Times.

He was also convicted of several special allegations, including theft over $100,000, theft over $500,000, and sophistication or professionalism in planning.

The South Carolina native, who played small roles and appeared as a stuntman in films such as The Incredible Hulk and Hellboy II, is scheduled to be sentenced on June 17. He could serve up to 21 years in state prison.

Sometimes justice takes time. This one required the perseverance of our prosecutor, San Mateo County Prosecutor Stephen Wagstaffe told the newspaper. This man is an impostor, he deceived people.

Hopefully he will now receive the punishment he deserves for defrauding our community.

The reverse mortgage scam involved Hall, a Van Nuys resident, and Tonika Miller, a 38-year-old licensed real estate agent based in Studio City in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley.

Weeks before the July 2018 auction of a home owned by a Redwood City woman who hadn't paid her property taxes, Miller, a licensed real estate agent, and Hall took her to Applebees, the prosecutors.

They bought him two margaritas and then offered him a $500,000 reverse mortgage, granting him the right to live on the property until his death, prosecutors said.

Both would be convicted of convincing the unidentified Redwood City woman in 2018 to sell her home, valued at $1.5 million to $1.7 million, for about a third of that sum.

Even after the crooked deal, prosecutors said, Hall and Miller gave the woman only $2,000 in cash, reneged on his promise to let her stay on the property until she died and sold the property to a third party, who then attempted to evict the property. women.

Miller pleaded no contest to the charges against her in 2020 and served three years and four months in prison.

Hall's trial on the same charges ended in a hung jury, with all but one juror voting to convict, so prosecutors tried again and got a guilty verdict.

His lawyer, Charles Smith III, said he plans to appeal the guilty verdict.

Smith said the victim did not lose her home, as the entire transaction was canceled and she was never kicked to the curb. A real estate investor who purchased Hall's house was also reimbursed for title insurance.

Although Hall did not commit a victimless crime, Smith said both victims were healed and he asked judges to take that into account.

Dana Barthélemy

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