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Today in History: On April 14, Abraham Lincoln was fatally shot at Ford's Theater

Today in History: On April 14, Abraham Lincoln was fatally shot at Ford's Theater


Today is Sunday, April 14, the 105th day of the year 2024. There are 261 days left in the year. The highlight of the day…

Today is Sunday, April 14, the 105th day of the year 2024. There are 261 days left in the year.

Highlight in today's history:

On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was fatally shot by John Wilkes Booth during a performance of Our American Cousin at Fords Theater in Washington.

To this date :

In 1828, the first edition of Noah Websters American Dictionary of the English Language was published.

In 1902, James Cash Penney opened his first store, The Golden Rule, in Kemmerer, Wyoming.

In 1912, the British liner RMS Titanic collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic at 11:40 p.m. ship time and began to sink. (The ship sank two hours and 40 minutes later, with the loss of 1,514 lives.)

In 1910, President William Howard Taft became the first United States general manager to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game as the Washington Senators defeated the Philadelphia Athletics 3-0.

In 1935, the Black Sunday dust storm descended on the central plains, transforming a sunny afternoon into total darkness.

In 1949, the Wilhelmstrasse Trial at Nuremberg ended with a US court sentencing 19 former Nazi Foreign Office officials to prison terms ranging from four to 25 years.

In 1960, Tamla Records and Motown Records, founded by Berry Gordy Jr., were incorporated as Motown Record Corp.

In 1981, the first test flight of America's first operational space shuttle, the Columbia, ended with a successful landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

In 1994, two U.S. Air Force F-15 warplanes mistakenly shot down two U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopters over northern Iraq, killing 26 people, including 15 Americans.

In 1999, NATO mistakenly bombed a convoy of ethnic Albanian refugees; Yugoslav officials said 75 people were killed.

In 2007, riot police beat and arrested protesters as thousands defied an official ban and tried to stage a rally in Moscow against the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In 2012, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where the RMS Titanic was built, thousands attended a choral requiem at St. Anne's Anglican Cathedral or a nationally televised concert at the Waterfront Hall in the city to mark the 100th anniversary of the ship's sinking.

In 2013, Adam Scott became the first Australian to win the Masters, beating Angel Cabrera on the second playoff hole on a rainy day at Augusta National.

In 2017, former NFL star Aaron Hernandez, who was already serving a life sentence for a 2013 murder, was acquitted in Boston in a 2012 double murder, according to prosecutors, Fed by his anger following a spilled drink in a nightclub. (Five days later, Hernández hanged himself in his prison cell.)

In 2018, Czech filmmaker Milos Forman, whose American films Amadeus and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest won a deluge of Oscars, including best director, died in Connecticut at the age of 86.

In 2021, Kim Potter, a white former police officer in suburban Minneapolis, was charged with second-degree manslaughter for killing 20-year-old black motorist Daunte Wright in a shooting that sparked days of unrest .

In 2022, the flagship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, a guided-missile cruiser that became a potent target of Ukrainian defiance in the early days of the invasion, sank after being heavily damaged. Ukrainian officials said their forces hit the Moskva with missiles, while Russia acknowledged a fire aboard the Moskva but no attacks.

Today's birthdays: Actress Julie Christie is 84 years old. Retired MLB All-Star Pete Rose is 83 years old. Rock musician Ritchie Blackmore is 79 years old. Actor John Shea is 76 years old. Actor Peter Capaldi is 66 years old. Actor turned race car driver Brian Forster is 64 years old. Actor Brad Garrett is 64 years old. Actor Robert Carlyle is 63 years old. Rock singer-musician John Bell (Widespread Panic) is 62 years old. Actor Robert Clendenin is 60 years old. Actor Catherine Dent is 59 years old. Actor Lloyd Owen is 58 years old. Baseball Hall of Famer Greg Maddux is 58. Rock musician Barrett Martin is 57. Actor Anthony Michael Hall is 56 years old. Actor Adrien Brody is 51 years old. Classical singer David Miller (Il Divo) is 51 years old. Rapper Da Brat is 50 years old. Actor Antwon Tanner is 49 years old. Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar is 50 years old. 47. Actor-producer Rob McElhenney is 47 years old. Roots singer JD McPherson is 47 years old. Actor Claire Coffee is 44 years old. Actor Christian Alexander is 34 years old. Actor Nick Krause is 32 years old. Actor Vivien Cardone is 31 years old. Actor Graham Phillips is 31 years old. Actor Skyler Samuels is 30 years old. Actress Abigail Breslin is 28 years old.

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