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Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, Maggie Sajak: Hollywood couples who make age gaps work

Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, Maggie Sajak: Hollywood couples who make age gaps work


It's not uncommon for there to be an age gap in relationships in Hollywood. Here are some celebrity couples with a notable age difference.

Maggie Sajak and Ross McCall 19 years old

Ross McCall, dressed in a red jacket and blue jeans, walks hand in hand with Maggie Sajak, who wears a light jacket and blue jeans.

Maggie Sajak and Ross McCall enjoy a casual stroll in Los Angeles. (Mega)

Maggie Sajak, 29, and her boyfriend, Ross McCall, 48, were spotted out and about in Los Angeles for the first time recently, confirming their romance.

MAGGIE SAJAK, 29, kisses 48-year-old actor's boyfriend ROSS MCCALL while out in LOS ANGELES

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart 22 years old

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart on the red carpet

Ford and Flockhart have been married since 2010 and share a son, Liam. (Jc Olivera/Getty Images for Apple TV+)

Harrison Ford, 81, and Calista Flockhart, 59, have been married since 2010 after dating since 2002 and share their adopted son, Liam.

John Stamos and Caitlin McHugh 23 years old

John Stamos and Caitlin McHugh at

Stamos and McHugh have an age gap of 23 years. (Matt Winkelmeyer/GA/The Hollywood Reporter via Getty Images)

John Stamos, 60, and Caitlin McHugh, 37, married and welcomed their child, Billy, in 2018.

Bruce Willis and Emma Heming 23 years old

Bruce Willis in a classic tuxedo kisses his wife Emma Heming Willis on the cheek, in a black dress

Willis and Heming have an age gap of 23 years. (Larry Busacca/VF14/WireImage/Getty Images)

Bruce Willis, 69, and his wife, Emma Heming, 45, married in 2009 and share two daughters, Evelyn and Mabel. She continues to support him after his diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia, or FTD.


Sylvester Stallone and Jennifer Flavin 23 years old

Jennifer Flavin and Sylvester Stallone on the red carpet in Florida.

Stallone and Flavin have been married since 1997 and have three daughters. (Mireya Acimiento/Getty Images for amfAR)

Sylvester Stallone, 77, and his wife, Jennifer Flavin, 55, have been married since 1997 and share three daughters: Sistine, Sophia and Scarlet. Despite a brief separation in 2022, the couple reconciled and have been going well since.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Taylor-Johnson 23 years old

Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his wife Sam Taylor-Johnson on the red carpet

Aaron and his wife, Sam, have been married since 2012. (Matt Crossick/PA Images via Getty Images)

Aaron Tayor-Johnson, 33, met his wife Sam Taylor-Johnson, 55, when he was just a teenager and she was in her 40s, then married in 2012 and welcomed two daughters : Wylda Rae, 13, and Romy Hero, 12.

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones 25 years

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones in Cannes

Douglas and Zeta-Jones have been married since 2009. (Mireya Acimiento/Getty Images for amfAR)

Michael Douglas, 79, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, 54, have been married since 2000 and have two children together: Dylan and Carys.

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin 26 years old

Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin on the red carpet

Alec and Hilaria have been married for almost 12 years and tied the knot in June 2012. (

Alec Baldwin, 66, and Hilaria Baldwin, 40, have been married for almost 12 years and share seven children together: Carmen, Maria, Ilaria, Rafael, Leonardo, Romeo and Eduardo.


Hayley Roberts and David Hasselhoff 27 years old

David Hasselhoff and Hayley Roberts at the MTV Awards

Hasselhoff and Roberts have been married for almost six years. (Dave Hogan/MTV/Getty Images for MTV)

David Hasselhoff, 71, and his wife, Hayley Roberts, 44, have been married for almost six years and tied the knot in July 2018.

Nicolas Cage and Riko Shibata 31 years old

Nicolas Cage and Rico Shibata at the Vanity Faire Oscar Party

Cage and Shibata share a daughter, August, born in September 2022. (Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)

Nicolas Cage, 60, and Riko Shibata, 29, have been married for three years and share their daughter August, born in September 2022.

Richard Gere and Alejandra Silva 33 years old

Richard Gere and Alejandra Silva on the red carpet

Gere and Silva have been married since 2018 and share two sons. (Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)

Richard Gere, 74, and Alejandra Silva, 41, married in 2018 after four years of dating. They share two children, their eldest son Alexander and a younger son whose name has not yet been released.

David Foster and Katherine McPhee 34 years old

David Foster and Katherine McPhee at Elton John's Oscar viewing party

Foster and McPhee have been married since 2019 and share a son. (Michael Kovac/Getty Images for the Elton John AIDS Foundation)

David Foster, 74, and Katherine McPhee, 40, got engaged in 2018 and married a year later, in June 2019, following McPhee's breakup with Elyes Gabel and Foster's split from with Yolanda Hadid. They have one child together, son Rennie.


Robert De Niro and Tiffany Chen 35 years old

Robert De Niro and Tiffany Chen on the red carpet

De Niro and Chen share a child, Gia, born in April 2023. (Gilbert Flores/Variety via Getty Images)

Robert De Niro, 80, and Tiffany Chen, 45, met on the set of “The Intern” in 2015 but didn't begin their relationship until 2021. They welcomed their daughter, Gia, in April 2023 .

Mel Gibson and Rosalind Ross 35 years

Mel Gibson and Rosalind Ross on the red carpet

Gibson and Ross reportedly met while she was writing a screenplay for his production company. (Jerritt Clark/WireImage)

Mel Gibson, 68, and Rosalind Ross, 33, began dating in 2014, reportedly after Ross wrote a script for the star's production company.

Steven Tyler and Aimee Preston 39 years old

Steven Tyler and Aimee Preston on the red carpet

Preston was Tyler's assistant before becoming romantically involved with him. (Araya Doheny/Getty Images for the Janie Fund)

Steven Tyler, 76, and Aimee Preston, 37, first met in 2012, when Preston was the rock star's assistant. They were first revealed as a couple in 2016 at the Elton John AIDS Foundation's Oscar viewing party and have been together ever since.

Dennis Quaid and Laura Savoie 39 years old

Dennis Quaid and Laura Savoie in Italy

Quaid and Savoie met in 2019 at a business event. (Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images)

Dennis Quaid, 70, and Laura Savoie, 31, met in 2019 at a work event and eloped a year later in June 2020.

Patrick Stewart and Sunny Ozell 39 years old

Patrick Stewart and Sunny Ozdell at the Vanity Fair Oscars party

Stewart and his wife Ozell married in September 2013. (Karwai Tang/WireImage)

“Star Trek” star Patrick Stewart, 83, and his wife, Sunny Ozell, 45, began dating in 2008, eventually tying the knot in September 2013, with actor Ian McKellan officiating.


Dolph Lundgren and Emma Krokdal 40 years old

Dolph Lundgren and Emma Krokdal on the red carpet

Lundgren and his wife, Krokdal, have a 40-year age difference. (Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images)

Actor Dolph Lundgren, 66, and his personal trainer wife Emma Krokdal, 26, announced their engagement in June 2020 and married in July 2023.

Cher and Alexander Edwards 40 years

Cher and Alexander Edwards at the iHeartRadio Music Awards

Cher and her boyfriend Edwards began their relationship in November 2022. (Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic)

Cher, 77, and her boyfriend, musician Alexander Edwards, 38, began their relationship in November 2022, when they were spotted holding hands.


Mick Jagger and Mélanie Hamrick 43 years old

Mick Jagger and Melanie Hamrick at the Ballet

Jagger and his partner Hamrich share their son, Deveraux “Devi”. (Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for American Ballet Theater)

Mick Jagger, 80, and his partner Melanie Hamrick, 37, have been together since 2014 after meeting at a concert in Tokyo. Together they share a son, Deveraux “Devi”.

Arlene Silver and Dick Van Dyke 46 years old

Dick Van Dyke and Arlene Silver seated.

Van Dyke and Silver met at the SAG Awards in 2006 and married in 2012. (Monty Brinton/CBS via Getty Images)

Arlene Silver, 54, and legendary actor Dick Van Dyke, 98, first met at the SAG Awards in 2006. After hitting it off, Van Dyke went on to hire the makeup artist for other projects , and the couple finally married in 2012.


Don McLean and Paris Dylan 49 years old

Don McLean and Paris Dylan on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

McLean and Dylan have been seeing each other since 2018. (Emma McIntyre/Getty Images)

Musician Don McLean, 78, and his girlfriend, Paris Dylan, 29, confirmed their relationship in 2018, when Dylan posted a birthday tribute to McLean on Instagram.

Al Pacino and Noor Alfallah 54 years old

Al Pacino and Noor Alfallah walking together

Pacino and Alfallah have been together since April 2022. (Gotham/GC Images)


Oscar winner Al Pacino, 83, and his girlfriend, Noor Alfallah, 30, have been dating since April 2022. The couple welcomed their first child together, son Roman, in June 2023.




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