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Sarah Snook wins Olivier Award for Best Actress for Sydney Theater Company's The Picture of Dorian Gray

Sarah Snook wins Olivier Award for Best Actress for Sydney Theater Company's The Picture of Dorian Gray


Australian actress Sarah Snook has won the Best Actress award at the Olivier Awards in London overnight for her performance in The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Snook, the Golden Globe and Emmy-winning Succession star, plays 26 characters over two hours in the one-woman “movie theater” epic, combining live performance with live video and pre-recorded.

Adapted and directed by outgoing Sydney Theater Company (STC) artistic director Kip Williams from Oscar Wilde's 19th-century novel, the original production starring Eryn Jean Norvill premiered in Sydney in 2020.

Snook, last seen on Australian stages in STC's Saint Joan in 2018, learned her lines while breastfeeding her newborn. In her speech, she recalled asking herself, “Why am I doing a 60,000-word monologue with an eight-month-old baby?”

A highly awarded piece of cinema-theater

Accepting his award, Snook said: “It’s an incredible honor to be on stage in the West End and it’s not something I thought would come with it.

“It's billed as a one-woman show but that's not the case. This is the team that is on stage with me all the time every night and they are a vital and constant support and d 'a source of inspiration. So thank you to the team for being there in this show with me.

“A huge, immeasurable thank you to Kip Williams and your very big brain, your specificity, your precision and your inspiration, and I just thank my lucky stars that I get to play in this crazy world that you have created every night.”

Sarah Snook, wearing an ornate coat and wig, sits in a flower-adorned chair and looks to the side.

In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Gray sells his soul for eternal youth.(Provided: Michael Cassel/Marc Brenner Group)

Dorian Gray designer Marg Howell won the Olivier for best costume design. Accepting her award, she said: “I would like to thank the creative team of the show. I think we will all know each other when we are very old.

“It makes your job incredibly easy when every character is played by Sarah Snook. It's been a joy making the show with you. To the writer and director and my friend Kip Williams, thank you for your trust, your ambition and your brains. “

The Picture of Dorian Gray, which opened in London in February, was described by The Guardian as “incredibly virtuoso and surprisingly dangerous” and “beautiful, brilliant, manic and not to be missed” in his five-star review.

The original production won Best Production, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Set Design at the 2021 Sydney Theater Awards.

In 2023, the play also won Best Production, Best Director, Best Costume Design and Best Actor at the Melbourne performing arts awards, the Green Room Awards, for its transfer to Melbourne.

Olivier's victory for Dorian Gray comes as STC struggles to budgetary pressuresfollowing the end of COVID-19 emergency funding and the loss of several philanthropic donors after three actors wore Palestinian kaffiyehs during an encore in November.

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