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Are we in Pakistan or Afghanistan? Actor Harshika Poonacha and her husband Bhuvann Ponnannaa attacked by mob in Bangalore

Are we in Pakistan or Afghanistan?  Actor Harshika Poonacha and her husband Bhuvann Ponnannaa attacked by mob in Bangalore


“Are we in Pakistan or Afghanistan?  Actor and husband attacked by mob in Bangalore

Actor Harshika Poonacha narrated the harrowing experience in social media posts.

Actress Harshika Poonacha, who works mainly in Kannada films, claimed that she and her husband Bhuvann Ponnannaa were harassed for speaking the local language by a group of men who also tried to rob them.

In a lengthy Instagram post featuring videos and photos of the alleged attackers, the actor asked, “How safe are we people of Bengaluru? Do we live in Pakistan or Afghanistan?

According to the actor, she had gone out for dinner with her husband and family at Karama restaurant near the posh Fraser Town area of ​​Bangalore on April 2. As they left the restaurant and sat in their car, the actor said they were attacked by a group. men.

Narrating the heartbreaking experience, she wrote, “A few days ago, I went for dinner with my family to a restaurant called 'Karama' on Masjid Road in Pulikeshi Nagar near Fraser town. After dinner we left the valet. after taking our car, when two men suddenly appeared near the driver's side window and started arguing that our vehicle was so big that if it suddenly moved it might hit them.

“My husband asked them to leave because they were talking about a possible incident and it made no sense. We pushed the vehicle a little further and at that point these two men started insulting us in their language and even tried to punch my husband in the face and said, “These local Kannadigas should be taught a lesson. My husband was very patient and didn't react much…”. she writes.

Within minutes, she claimed, around 30 men from the same gang gathered and tried to grab her husband's gold chain and broke it as her husband resisted.

“…Two of them tore off my husband's gold chain and tried to pull it towards them…My husband realized it just in time, he held it back and gave it to me They damaged the car and tried to physically abuse us by saying things that neither we nor the others could understand.

“My husband didn't react much since there were women and family in our car. Also, what I noticed was that they had a problem with us speaking in Kannada. 'Yeah Local Kannada What's the matter (they are local Kannada),” they said. It agitated them even more when my husband and I spoke only in Kannada,” she claimed.

She quickly called the inspector she knew there and the men “dispersed in a split second as if nothing had happened.” “We tried to look for them, but they disappeared in seconds,” she added.

However, the actor received no help from local police, she claimed. “We found a police patrol vehicle nearby and narrated the incident to Mr. Umesh, the assistant sub-inspector of the nearby police station. He did not seem willing to help us. He said we should talk to the superiors of the department and I didn't even have the courtesy to come and find out what had happened.”

Highlighting the police officer's blatant apathy, she said: “He wanted to drink the learn juice he was drinking in front of a restaurant, just two buildings away.”

The police, however, said they have not received any complaints in the case so far. “The incident took place on April 2. We contacted those concerned and asked them to file a complaint. They asked for more time. We are waiting,” they said.

Ms Poonacha said she did not file a police report because her family believed their safety was important.




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