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Bollywood films that capture the essence of Mumbai

Bollywood films that capture the essence of Mumbai


Mumbai, often referred to as the “City of Dreams” and the “Maya Nagari”, is a recurring and dynamic backdrop to Hindi cinema. The depiction of Mumbai in Hindi films has evolved over the years, reflecting the city's cultural, social and economic changes. One of the most iconic visuals of Mumbai is the popular Marine Drive, which is a must-see to represent the city.

Mumbai is home to Bollywood and Hindi cinema often showcases the glamor and glitz of the film industry. Movies like Rangeela (1995), Fashion (2008), and Luck by chance (2009) offer a glimpse into the world of aspiring actors, filmmakers and artists striving to make it in the city's entertainment industry.

The Mumbai underworld is a subject of fascination for filmmakers, leading to iconic films like Deewaar (1975), Satya (1998), and Business (2002). These films explore the dark underbelly of the city, including crime syndicates, gangsters and law enforcement.

The depiction of Mumbai in Hindi cinema reflects its multifaceted nature, a city of contrasts, dreams, challenges and vibrant cultures. Whether it's a glamorous metropolis, a gritty cityscape, or a symbol of resilience, Mumbai's depiction in Hindi films captures the essence of this vibrant city and its impact on the lives of its people. residents.

Below, we have listed 11 iconic Hindi films that depict Mumbai in all its glory or use the city as a storyline and theme. These films are listed in chronological order and are available online on various streaming platforms.

Mira Nair is critically acclaimed Salam Bombay! provides a realistic and realistic portrayal of the lives of city street children. The film captures the raw and unfiltered aspects of Bombay's slums and the struggle for survival.
Where to watch: Amazon Prime

Originally a Tamil film, with Hindi subtitles, by Mani Ratnam. Mumbai is a love story set against the backdrop of the 1992-1993 Bombay riots. The film skillfully depicts the city's community tensions while showcasing the resilience of its residents. The story follows an interfaith couple played by Arvind Swamy and Manish Koirala caught up in the tensions spread during the Mumbai riots.
Where to watch: Netflix, Amazon Prime

Ram Gopal Varma Rangeela is a musical drama that gives a glimpse into the world of Mumbai's entertainment industry starring Urmila Matondkar's Mili who dreams of becoming an actress and ends up getting caught in a love triangle between her childhood friend and a famous actor. The film's catchy songs and vibrant visuals capture the glitz and glamor of the city.
Where to watch: Jio Cinema

Farhan Akhtar Dil Chahta Hai is a coming-of-age film that revolves around the lives of three friends, played by Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan and Akshay Khanna. The film beautifully captures the contemporary urban lifestyle of Mumbai's youth and the deep bonds between friends.
Where to watch: Netflix

Ayan Mukerji Wake up follows the journey of a young man, Sid, played by Ranbir Kapoor, who discovers his true calling and grows into adulthood. The film showcases various facets of Mumbai's youth culture and the opportunities the city offers.
Where to watch: Netflix

Directed by Kiran Rao, Dhobi Ghat is an arthouse film that interweaves the lives of four characters from different backgrounds. The film offers an intimate and thoughtful portrait of the people of Mumbai and their interconnected lives.
Where to watch: Netflix

This anthology film, directed by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK, weaves together several stories that revolve around life in Mumbai. The film delves into the lives of individuals from different backgrounds as they navigate the challenges, opportunities and moral dilemmas of the city. Set against the backdrop of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival that brings the city to life, key scenes in the film showcase the madness and chaos of Mumbai.
Where to watch: Jio Cinema

Reema Kagti's psychological thriller Talaash is set against the backdrop of the dark and mysterious underbelly of Mumbai. With his personal and professional life mysteriously intertwined due to a murder, Aamir Khan's Inspector Surjan Singh Shekhawat explores the supernatural elements and hidden corners of the city to create an atmospheric and suspenseful tale.
Where to watch: Netflix

Ritesh Batra The lunch box tells the story of a mistaken lunchbox delivery that leads to an unlikely friendship between a young woman, Ila, played by Nirmat Kaur and an older office worker, Saajan Fernandes, played by Irrfan Khan. The film captures the loneliness and longing of urban life in Mumbai, while showcasing the city's famous dabbawala system.
Where to watch: Netflix

Hansal Mehta City Lights depicts the struggles of a rural couple, played by Rajkumar Rao and Patralekhaa, who move to Mumbai in search of a better life. The film, an official remake of the British film Metro Manilahighlights the challenges faced by migrants in a bustling metropolis, capturing both the city's charm and hardships.
Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video

Zoya Akhtar Ravine Boy gives an insight into the world of Mumbai's underground rap scene. The film follows the journey of an aspiring rapper Murad, played by Ranveer Singh, from the city's slums, demonstrating the power of music to transcend socio-economic barriers.
Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video

Photo: Instagram/sikhya, zoieakhtar




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