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Bollywood actresses of the 90s who redefined cinema with their craft

Bollywood actresses of the 90s who redefined cinema with their craft


Bollywood has been home to some of the best actresses in the world. Over the years, several talented women are joining showbiz and redefining cinema with their focus and the type of work they are doing. Bollywood actresses of the 90s were particularly one of the pioneers of all time. It was precisely at this time that the beauty and talent of leading ladies reached their peak in Hindi cinema and today we only look at them.

15 Best Bollywood Actresses of the 90s Who Won the Hearts of the Audience

1. Madhuri said

Dixit was the epitome of grace and elegance and mesmerized the audience with her expressive eyes and breathtaking dance moves. Her portrayal of characters ranging from the vivacious Pooja in Dil Toh Pagal Hai to the vulnerable Paro in Parinda has made her a famous figure in Indian households.

2. Karisma Kapoor

This Raja Hindustani actress, with her bubbly charm and incomparable acting skills, has redefined the image of a quintessential Bollywood heroine. From her spirited performances to her effortless style, she embodies the spirit of the '90s with finesse. We recommend adding his films Fiza and Raja Babu to your watchlist.

3. Raveena Tandon

Tandon, who continues to entertain us, had infectious energy and a striking screen presence. Over the years, Raveena carved a place for herself in the hearts of millions who loved her across generations and across the world. Her powerful performances in films like Dilwale and Mohra were proof of how good Raveena is at her craft.

4. Juhi Chawla

This girl next door with the million dollar smile lit up the screen every time she starred in a movie. From playing the role of a bubbly Madhu in Ishq to playing the role of a strong-willed woman in several films, Juhi has left a lasting impression with her versatility and acting.

5. Kajol

Kajol is the queen of hearts who has captured the audience's imagination with her raw emotion and carefree performances. His iconic roles in films like Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai are still favorites among movie buffs.

6. Manisha Koirala

With her ethereal beauty and understated elegance, Manisha was known for bringing depth and sensitivity to her characters. She played several complex roles in films like Bombay and Khamoshi, which earned her great critical acclaim and fan adoration. She recently forayed into showbiz with Sanjay Leela Bhansalis Heeramandi.

7. Préité Zinta

She was the dimpled beauty with a fiery spirit. With her many stellar performances and infectious energy, Preity has charmed the hearts of the audience. Her memorable performances in films like Dil Se and Soldier have made her a household name and despite many films in recent times, she remains very relevant.

8. Urmila Matondkar

Urmila was the epitome of versatility. Throughout her rather long career, she has impressed audiences with her innate ability to slip effortlessly into various roles and pull them off like a pro. From Rangeela's sultry seductress to Satya's vulnerable protagonist, Matondkar was indeed one of the best Bollywood actresses of the 90s.

9. Taboo

This powerhouse performer has commanded attention in every role she has played. Tabus' performances in films like Maachis and Virasat are still remembered after years. Interestingly, not just in the 90s, Tabu continues to be one of the biggest stars to this day.

10. Sonali Bendré

She was the ethereal beauty who literally made everyone her fan. This girl-next-door vibe of Sonali made her suitable for many 90s films. For example, her portrayal of a strong, independent woman in films like Sarfarosh and the role of the bride every man desires in Hum Saath-Saath Hain stood out greatly.

11. Pooja Bhatt

With her unconventional beauty and fearless performances, Pooja indeed blazed a trail in the 90s with her bold choices. In films like Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin and Zakhm, she earned his respect and admiration for her acting while her magazine covers made Bhatt one of the changing faces of Hindi cinema.

12. Mahima Chaudhary

With her girl-next-door charm and earnest performances, Mahima has gained a lasting impact on the audience. Her breakthrough role in Pardes catapulted her to overnight stardom and since then, there has been no looking back for her.

13. Mamta Kulkarni

Mamta, who was once the most sought-after actress of the 90s, later left showbiz, but her impact on cinema never faded. She starred in films like Karan Arjun and Baazi and gained both attention and praise.

14. Shilpa Shetty

With her sizzling screen presence and oh-so-wow energy, Shilpa has ruled the silver screen for several decades. His memorable roles in films like Baazigar and Dhadkan speak volumes about his craft. It's not that this star disappeared after the 90s, Shilpa still continues to entertain the audience.

15. Grace Singh

With her innocent charm and soulful performances, Gracy won hearts, especially for her adorable role as a village belle in Lagaan. She went on to star in several films and continued to entertain audiences for many years.

Which of these 90 Bollywood actresses did you like or like the most? Tell us @pinkvilla – We are all eyes and ears. Come back to Pinkvilla for more such recommendations and cinematic throwbacks that will make you relive what happened in showbiz and is worth a flashback.

READ ALSO : 13 Must-See Amrita Rao Movies That Ruled the Hearts of Multiple Generations




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