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Bollywood journalists of the week: Anushka Sharma's first photos after the arrival of her son Akaay; Salman Khan in house dismissal case, accused Anuj Thapan commits suicide

Bollywood journalists of the week: Anushka Sharma's first photos after the arrival of her son Akaay;  Salman Khan in house dismissal case, accused Anuj Thapan commits suicide


Trigger Warning: This article contains references to suicide and death.

Here's another Sunday and that means piling up all the major Bollywood news that has been buzzing all week long. Anushka Sharma's first photos surfaced after the arrival of her son Akaay; one of the accused Anuj Thapan in the Salman Khan firing case committed suicide and many other news hit the headlines.

In case you missed any, go through this article to get updates on all the major news that made it to the top section this week.

Here are the 7 best Bollywood journalists of the week

1. Anushka Sharma's first photos after the arrival of her son Akaays

Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli became parents for the second time after welcoming their baby boy, Akaay, in February this year. Anushka's first pictures have now surfaced online after the arrival of her son Akaay. She was seen enjoying her birthday dinner with her husband Virat and the RCB Bengaluru team.

2. Accused in Salman Khan's house shooting incident commits suicide

According to an ANI report, one of the accused in the Salman Khan house fire case, Anuj Thapan, who was locked up at the Mumbai Police headquarters, allegedly attempted suicide at the first hours of May 1st. The 32-year-old man was immediately rushed to GT Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

3.Shraddha Kapoor to headline Rahul Mody's next project?

According to a report in Mid Day, Rahul Mody will bankroll his girlfriend-actress Shraddha Kapoor's next project. A source said, “The discussions are at an early stage, so it cannot be ascertained if this will be her next project. But Shraddha liked the central idea. She plans to co-produce it with Rahuls production house.”

4. Mahira Khan praises Arijit Singh after his Dubai concert apology video goes viral

Recently, a video of Arijit Singh apologizing to Pakistani actress Mahira Khan during her concert in Dubai went viral. The singer was performing his popular song Zaalima from Shah Rukh Khan with Raees when he spotted the actress in the audience. At first he didn't recognize her, but when he recognized her, he recognized her in front of everyone. The singer apologized to Mahira for not recognizing her initially and surprised the audience by revealing that the actress herself was sitting in the audience.

Later, an elated Mahira took to her Instagram and shared a clip from Arijit Singh's concert where she can be heard taking his name and talking about the song Zaalima.

While sharing this video, the actress captioned it, I wasn't supposed to be here for this…but…I guess I was. You know what I mean? What a pleasure to see an artist perform… swirling with joy, surrounded by love. But more than that, it's beautiful when you see humility in an artist… because he knows it's not him… he's just been blessed from above. Stay blessed @arijitsingh Wah!”

5. Is Sarfarosh 2 with Aamir Khan in the pipeline?

In an interview with Indian Express, director John Matthew Matthan spoke about Sarfarosh 2 starring Aamir Khan. He said, Aamir is excited. I intend to do it too, but unless you have the freedom and choice to do it and if you don't like it, how will others enjoy your film? Plus, there aren't many scripts that I liked.”

6.Siddharth Anand says Hrithik Roshan is coming for Krrish 4

Filmmaker Siddharth Anand recently responded to a tweet sharing a photo of Krrishand captioned, “He's coming #Krrish4.” Siddharth's response read, “Yes! He is…” This tweet of Anand created excitement among fans.

7.Fardeen Khan talks about the No Entry sequel

In an interview with PTI, Fardeen Khan spoke about the sequel to his film No Entry. He said: “I've heard the script, it's absolutely hilarious. I think everyone was trying to decide whether it was Salman Khan, Boney Kapoor or Anees Bazmee… It is a film that is close to my heart.”

New bonus features: Akshay Kumar's son Nysa's party photos Aarava and Kajol's daughter in Europe with Orry have gone viral.

Warning: If you know someone who is having suicidal thoughts, anxiety, suffering from depression, or suffering from a serious mental illness, contact a nearby doctor, mental health expert, or NGO for immediate help . There are several helplines available for the same.

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