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City of Derry and Strabane – Derry and Strabane District Council

City of Derry and Strabane – Derry and Strabane District Council


Derry launches into jazz after the success of the weekend festival!

May 6, 2024

The streets of Derry are eerily quiet today after five days of sonic extravaganza, as the City of Derry Jazz and Big Band Festival attracted thousands of revelers to jump, dance, sing and sway during 450 live musical events.

It was the 23rdrd edition of the Festival, which has established itself as one of the country's biggest music showcases, attracting artists and visitors from around the world to enjoy the eclectic mix of music on offer. What makes the festival truly unique is that most of the music is completely free for all to enjoy.

This year's highlights included the DLD Second Line Parade, which had people dancing in the streets on Saturday afternoon, the record-breaking Mayor's Rock the Boat Challenge which brought a classic disco twist to the event, workshops swing dancing, hairdressing and vintage hairdressing workshops, concerts at a number of dedicated jazz festival centers, as well as free live music events at 72 local venues. Local schools also got in on the action with outdoor performances on the Gay McIntyre Stage, while the Craft Village also hosted numerous outdoor performers.

Looking back on this fabulous weekend, Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Councilor Patricia Logue, said: “It was an absolutely unforgettable weekend and a real highlight of my year as Mayor. A lot of work has gone into the growth and development of the Jazz Festival, from its humble beginnings to the immense celebration it has become today. We welcomed visitors from all over the world this weekend, and the event is the perfect showcase of all that the Northwest has to offer as a tourism destination.

“I would like to acknowledge all the work that has gone into this year’s event, both from the Council team and the support from all the local venues who make this event a huge community celebration. And it doesn't stop there. We have the Foyle Maritime Festival looking forward to it at the end of June, so it's all happening here in Derry and Strabane this summer.

This year, artists came from the Netherlands, the United States and even South Korea to take part in the festival, a testament to the growing reach of the festival and Derry's international reputation.

Derry City and Strabane District Council's head of culture, Aedin McCarter, said the council would continue to work with its partners to build on these foundations for the future. “There is no doubt that we are facing challenging times in terms of the tourism and hospitality industry, and events such as the Jazz Festival play a vital role in attracting visitors to these shores.

“Derry and Strabane are a place renowned for its music and talent, so the festival provides a wonderful platform to celebrate this and promote the North West region as a cultural hub, where the hospitality is also second to none. We saw tens of thousands of visitors enjoying the festival over the weekend, and while numbers haven't been finalized, early indications suggest this is one of our premier events. most successful jazz. This is really encouraging and we will continue to improve our offer to retain these visitors. »

The City of Derry Jazz and Big Band Festival is organized by the City of Derry and Strabane District Council with support from Diageo and Ulster University.




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