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Actor Robert De Niro said he was “in his own orbit”

Actor Robert De Niro said he was “in his own orbit”


Now that he's settled comfortably into his signature cinematic statesman groove, it becomes abundantly clear that there are two distinct sides to Robert De Niro.

On one side, there's the powerhouse veteran who can always deliver the goods when called upon and receive awards season recognition at the industry's most prestigious ceremonies, as events come and go. Silver Linings Playbook, Joker, The IrishmanAnd Flower Moon Killers have recently posted.

On the other, there's the star who seems quite happy to sign on for whatever seems like a fun time to shoot, which has unfortunately cursed the scenery with steaming turds like Dirty Grandpa, Killing season And The war with grandfather among others.

It's not as if De Niro has ever lost the innate gifts that made him one of the greatest of all time, but he has often been guilty of criticizing him in films that are in beneath its powerful reputation. The same can be said of any of his acting idols, especially towards the very last years of their career.

Although they both easily rank among the best performers of all time on the silver screen, not to mention the fact that they both won Oscars for playing the exact same character, De Niro didn't have the chance to work only once with Marlon Brando. When he did, the legendary method man was up to his usual tricks.

Collaborate in the Frank Oz heist The scoreBrando called the filmmaker Miss Piggy and often refused to be directed by him, forcing De Niro to step in and orchestrate every scene where the elder of the two Vito Corelones put his foot down and decided he wouldn't was not willing to do it. playing ball with the guy who was literally hired by the studio to shoot the movie.

There's virtually no star who hasn't worshiped at Brando's altar, which De Niro acknowledged when he admitted New Jersey that all actors my age love him. There is a reason, however, since the immersive actor completely reinvents the concept of what cinematic acting could be.

He was, I think Jack Nicholson said, a force in his own right. He was in his own orbit, De Niro continued. But my other favorites were Montgomery Clift, James Dean. Spencer Tracy too. Walter Huston. Greta Garbo.

It amounts to sacrilege if an actor who didn't break through in the 1970s and continues to work solidly to this day doesn't name Brando as one of his most defining influences, but that's the status which he acquired for the sole reason of being one of the most influential actors. , important and transformative artists of all time.

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