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Controversial WWE moments deleted as archives move to Peacock


2:07 PM PDT 03/25/2021


James hibberd

As 17,000 hours of wrestling programming flowed from the WWE Network to Peacock, fans noticed that some scenes were missing.

Some classic WWE content is under review during his time at Peacock.

Racist moments in the history of the wrestling franchise are quietly removed from the archives as the enormous library of programming gradually moves from the WWE Network.

According to sources familiar with the situation, the NBCUniversal-owned streaming service is reviewing WWE’s 17,000 hours of content to ensure it meets Peacock’s standards and practices. WWE is also notified of any changes.

One of the modifications took place in the 1990s WrestleMania VI, which featured a match between Roddy Piper and Bad News Brown including Piper (a white wrestler) paint half of her face black facing Brown (a black wrestler). “I hear Bad News Brown, how he talks about Harlem and how proud he is to be from Harlem,” Piper said in the pre-game interview. “Now I can stay here, and I can be Black! I can be White! Make no difference to me. … It’s what’s inside.”

As first reported by PW Insider, the Piper-Brown match is no longer included in the show. In one interviewconducted years later, Brown reflected on the blackface move. “I thought that was the dumbest thing I ever saw,” he said, “and I was like, ‘Let him do it… and one of those times he’s going to be sorry.

Another deleted moment was in 2005 Survivor Series 19. In one notorious moment, WWE CEO Vince McMahon (acting in his on-camera corporate villain character) said the N word to a shocked John Cena, then strutted in front of a stunned Booker T, who says : “Tell me he didn’t just say this. “At the time, a WWE spokesperson defended McMahon at TMZ, calling it an “extravagant, satirical sketch involving fictional characters, similar to that found in many TV shows and scripted movies.

There are many other times who have the same sparked controversy over the years.

WWE Network content started migrating to Peacock on March 18, WWE Network cost $ 9.99 per month, but Peacock only costs $ 4.99 per month, so the move was considered a pretty good deal for the fans.

Peacock has a dedicated WWE section where fans can browse and access all of the PPV events for the past calendar year, as well as current season or most recent episodes of the WWE Original Series.Steve Austins The Broken Skull Sessions,WWE ChronicleandWWE Icons as well as new weekly episodes ofNXTthe next day from the air. Peacock is continually adding WWE Network content and will eventually include all WWE, WCW, and ECW PPV events in history.

The company’s goal is to have all classic content reviewed and available for on-demand streaming beforeSlam summer in August.

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