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Why men should kiss their inner hearts this summer


This summer was meant to be defined by the excitement. With the arrival of the vaccine (and therefore #HotVaxSummer), it didn’t take long for people to savor a season largely without masks and rules of social distancing, celebrating the return to normal with very abnormal behaviors, even going up to risking public sex in the name of a TikTok challenge. But you could say that people have been asking for more exciting summers since before the pandemic, largely through clothing trends like the demand for shorts with a 5-inch (and shorter) inseam.

And if the Men’s Spring / Summer 2022 shows were any indication, things are only going to get more exciting.

Frankly speaking, the fashion industry wants you to kiss your heart, not just this summer, but to following summer. as well as. While the trends of the last year have required efforts on the part of designers to adapt their collections at a time that did not require a lot of beautiful new clothes, this men’s season has allowed a full exercise of creativity. Rather than go in the overtly opulent direction one might expect after a year inundated with athleisure and sweatshirts, the designers have avoided any tendency towards decadence, answering the call for more exposed skin and us. offering pure, unadulterated skin.

Not to be confused with sex appeal, thottiness differs in that it should not be confused with anything other than what it is, as it abandons any attempt at modesty or subtlety. Where something as simple as a white t-shirt can be seen as sexy, a unbuttoned floral silk shirt revealing his entire chest and torso is definitely steamy. The fashion industry is obviously no stranger to sex appeal, but thottiness feels like foreign territory, certainly for brands at the height of luxury. But there comes a time when understated sensuality is not enough, when the situation demands nothing less than a mesh tank. We’ve all wasted too much time over the past year and a half. Now is not the time to beat around the bush.

A collection built around a thotty sensibility came from Fashion’s Dark Lord himself, Rick Owens, who is no stranger to provocative looks, having sent models to the runway in tight clothing for F / W 2021. . For this collection there weren’t any underwear models, but instead they were dressed in delicate jumpsuits that revealed more than they covered, low rise jeans that threatened to fall out anytime, very aged sweaters clearly not designed to provide warmth and sheer tissue that adheres to the skin. Instead of adhering to the traditional idea of ​​thottiness, these being obscene shorts, crop tops, and tight fabrics, Owens developed the aesthetic possibilities of what it means to dress like a thot.

Even the more tame brands whose design ethic seems utterly antithetical to thottiness couldn’t help but indulge in their own riskier looks, like a shirtless cardigan below at Herms or blazers cut so severely at Fendi, they seemed to have been literally cut in half.

As with most designer trends, trying them out for yourself can be intimidating, especially when, as in this case, the bottom line is that the more exposure you get, the better. But dressing like a thot isn’t just about donning the skinniest, most outrageous clothes you can find; it’s about embracing parts of your body that you might have avoided before and finding release in that acceptance, whether it’s through a t-shirt that grazes your belly button or finally switching to shorts that show off your thighs.

And if you’re still too nervous to try and dress comfortably this summer, don’t worry. There will be a lot of #ThotBoySummers to come.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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