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Chisholm School Commissioner Concerned Over Plan to Relax Districts' Dress Code Policy | Woburn

Chisholm School Commissioner Concerned Over Plan to Relax Districts' Dress Code Policy |  Woburn


WOBURN – The School Committee is reportedly considering adopting a liberalized dress code policy that would essentially allow students and parents to decide what type of attire is appropriate for class and school events.

At a meeting Tuesday evening at Joyce Middle School, School Committee member Colleen Cormier explained that the policy subcommittee will debate April 26 the merits of a revised policy model recommended by Mass. Association of School Committees.

These guidelines state that responsibility for student dress and appearance rests with each student and their parents/guardians. The policy then states that all attire will be deemed appropriate, unless such clothing is deemed hazardous to health and safety or likely to cause disorder or disruption to the public.

The push to eliminate more restrictive dress codes from school district policy books comes as civil rights groups have argued that more rigid guidelines generally discriminate against students based on gender and race and further infringe on teenagers’ First Amendment rights to free speech.

Last month, during a previous school committee discussion on the topic, school board veteran Patricia Chisholm agreed that the district should never be in a position where its policies interfere with students' First Amendment rights or would prohibit students from wearing religious or culturally significant clothing. However, she still believed that some type of guidance and encouragement regarding appropriate dress should be included in Woburns' policies.

Citing one such example, Chisholm argued that district educators should be able to discourage students from showing up to important public events and large gatherings dressed in pajama pants.

I understand the pajama thing, but I also think we need to kind of emphasize to students that we should dress for success and not come to school like they've been sleeping in their clothes all night, she said.

I definitely have concerns about the lack of structure. When we start giving kids a lot of freedom, it's going to blow up in our faces, she added. It's one thing if they have to wear [items] because it is part of their culture. It is very good. But we opened the doors when we left [our dress policy] become something that is suggested.

According to School Committee Chairman Andrew Lipsett, he will add the clothing policy change to an upcoming meeting's agenda so the board can have a broader discussion about the changes.

School calendar decisions

The School Committee, at its meeting earlier this week, also voted unanimously to designate Thursday, June 20, as the last day of classes for the 2023-2024 school year.

According to Superintendent of Schools Dr. Matthew Crowley, students will receive a half-day of instruction before beginning their summer vacation.

Although debate was limited, School Committee member Patricia Chisholm — who ultimately supported the superintendent's recommended date — asked central office officials to ensure the district would meet state mandates regarding graduation ceremonies.

Specifically, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) prohibits school districts from holding graduation ceremonies more than 12 school days before the official end of a given school year. By Chisholms' calculations, this year's tentatively scheduled graduation exercises on Friday, June 7, would be a day beyond that restriction.

According to the commissioner, who promised to check the deadlines, he can request an exemption from the DESE if necessary.

Crowley also informed the school board Tuesday evening that central office administrators are currently finalizing the calendar for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year which will begin Tuesday, Sept. 3, when teachers report for their first day of work.

Students will return to class two days later, on Thursday, September 5.

Let's work on the calendar itself in collaboration with the [Woburn Teachers Association]. So we should have it ready in the near future, he said.




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