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Suri Cruise makes a bold fashion statement in New York as she celebrates her 18th birthday in new photos

Suri Cruise makes a bold fashion statement in New York as she celebrates her 18th birthday in new photos


Suri Cruise is officially an adult, and it looks like she's having a great time celebrating this milestone!

The 18-year-old was pictured smiling as she hit the streets of New York the day before her birthday, carrying an array of gifts as she strolled with friends.

Plus, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' only daughter turned heads while staying dry from the rain, with a frilly hot pink miniature umbrella.

She wore an all-denim ensemble consisting of an oversized jacket and jeans, along with smoky eyeliner to complete her bold look.

Suri has largely stayed out of the spotlight since her parents separated in 2012. She grew up in Los Angeles in her early years, before moving with her mother Katie to New York.

Suri Cruise pictured celebrating her 18th birthday

Katie raised Suri to be incredibly down-to-earth and the two have a close relationship.

It's clear that Suri developed her parents' performing talents and showcased her incredible singing voice in 2022. Suri was heard singing the opening theme of Katie's film, Alone Together, while she was only 15 years old.

Suri Cruise grew up in New York © Taylor Hill
Suri Cruise grew up in New York

She sang a perfect rendition of Blue Moon and her mother was beyond proud. Chat with Yahoo! Entertainment about her daughter's role in the film, she said: “She's very, very talented. She said she would do it and she recorded it and I let her do her thing.

“That's how I usually lead: It's like, 'This is what I think we all want: Go do your thing.' The mother-of-one was asked why she chose Suri for the role and she replied: “I always want the highest level of talent, so I asked her.”

Suri Cruise and Katie Holmes © James Devaney
Katie is an incredibly loving mom

Although little is known about Suri, Katie has given insight into her creative personality in the past. Not only does she sing well, but she also loves crafts.

Katie previously revealed the couple enjoyed many crafty hobbies at the height of the pandemic during lockdown.

Katie Holmes Tom Cruise with his daughter Suri as a baby© Getty Images
Katie shares Suri with Tom Cruise

“I painted, we had a sewing machine, so we made quilts, we cooked; we were on perpetual vacation,” Katie said in the second issue of Amazing magazine.

“We were also by a lake and there was a hammock, so I would wake up, sew, have coffee, take a nap on the hammock [laughs] Oh and, by the way, I have to add this; we were at a lake, so we probably watched Dirty Dancing ten times. Let me tell you, I danced to it in the living room, and it still holds up. It was fun.”

Katie Holmes, daughter of Suri Cruise©Photo: Instagram
Katie and Suri are incredibly close

In 2022, Katie gave another rare snippet of her relationship with Suri, telling InStyle: “I love her so much. My biggest goal has always been to nurture her individuality. To make sure she's at 100% herself and strong, confident, and capable.

Suri is set to go to college at the end of summer, making 2024 a big year for new adults. This will be a huge transition for the actress, as her only child will likely fly the nest.

Suri is believed to be planning to study in New York, meaning she will still be able to see her mother regularly.

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