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Split diagnosis raised in George Floyd case under scrutiny | Newsroom

Split diagnosis raised in George Floyd case under scrutiny | Newsroom


Efforts to discredit controversial medical diagnoses are strengthened by new research from McGill University. Excited delirium describes a state of agitation, aggression, and distress and is a common defense against accusations of police brutality. In the case of George Floyd, the syndrome was initially used as a legal defense by the Minneapolis police officer charged in his death.

In “Constructing the Monster, Shifting the Blame: A Study of Excited Delirium,” researchers found that excited delirium exploits racial stereotypes, encourages excessive use of force, and deprives law enforcement of responsibility for sudden deaths. They present convincing evidence that they are distancing themselves. Essentially, this diagnosis creates a new category of people, often characterized by superhuman strength and immunity to pain. Those diagnosed tend to be black men, Indigenous people, people with mental illness, drug users, and other marginalized groups.

While much debate has centered on the medical validity of the diagnosis, the results of this philosophical and ethical analysis delve into its specific social implications and encourage re-evaluation by physicians and the criminal justice system. This highlights the urgent need. In the United States, excited delirium is involved in approximately 10% of deaths in police custody. But big changes are afoot, with California recently becoming the first state to ban the syndrome as a cause of death and Colorado removing the term from police training. In Canada, four provinces no longer recognize excited delirium as a cause of death.

The diagnosis of excited delirium is widely debated but remains prevalent in emergency medicine, coroner's reports, and police training. Our research shows that racial stereotypes, conflicts of interest, convenient cause-and-effect narratives, and slippery logic all underlie the continued use of this term. said Phoebe Friesen, one of the study authors and an assistant professor in McGill University's School of Equity, Ethics and Policy.

About research

“Constructing Monsters and Redirecting Blame: An Investigation of Excited Delirium” by Arjun Byju and Phoebe Friesen has been published in Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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