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A Complete Guide to the Criminal and Civil Cases Against Donald Trump

A Complete Guide to the Criminal and Civil Cases Against Donald Trump


Donald Trump made history last year when he became the first former US president to be charged with a crime (specifically, 34 counts stemming from the secret payment he made to the star of Stormy Daniels porn). Then, a few months later, he was indicted a second time for tampering with classified documents and allegedly obstructing justice. Several months later, he was indicted a third, then a fourth time, for trying to overturn the 2020 election, in cases brought by the Department of Justice and the Fulton County Prosecutors' Office. (He has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him.) Civilly, he has previously been found liable for sexual abuse and defamation of writer E. Jean Carroll, as well as fraudulently inflating the value of His belongings.

If you're exhausted just reading all of the above, you're probably not alone; At this point, tracking the cases against the ex-president, their current status, and the potential sanctions he faces, both financial and in terms of prison time, is a full-time job. So here's a handy guide to all the ways Donald Trump, who by the way has a good and terrifying chance of becoming president again, is legally screwed. Or in some cases, they may run out of time and escape unscathed!

The New York fraud case

In September 2022, New York Attorney General Letitia James sued Trump, Trump's three eldest children* and the Trump Organization, accusing them of spending years lying to lenders and insurers about the value of Trump assets. A year later, Judge Arthur Engoron found Trump (along with his adult sons and his business) liable for fraud and, the following February, barred the ex-president from running a business in New York state during three years. Even more painful, Engoron fined Trump and his namesake company more than $350 million, a much higher fine when interest is taken into account.

In March, Trump's lawyers said in a court filing that they had tried unsuccessfully to find a company willing to give the former man bail worth the $464 million he currently owes, none not agreeing to accept real estate as collateral. Even more humiliating: Although he has spent his entire adult life bragging about how much money he has, Trump's lawyers have also admitted that he does not have the money to guarantee the bail. (According to his lawyers, to provide guarantees, the ex-president would have to pay about 120% of the judgment, or about $557.5 million.)

A full appeals court panel will soon hear Trump's request to stay enforcement of the civil penalty, but given that an emergency appeals judge has already rejected the plea, things don't work out. not advertise well. James has already granted the ex-president a 30-day grace period to post bail, and if she does not extend it, she can begin seizing her assets on March 25.

In perhaps one of the funniest subplots of all of this, shortly after Trump's inability to get bail, conservative talk show host and Trump superfan Mark Levin asked why no wealthy Republican had offered to lend money to Trump, calling him, in all. seriously, a scandal.


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As some have pointed out, the answer is probably: because they don't believe Trump will pay them back.

The E. Jean Carroll cases

Last May, Trump was convicted of sexually abusing writer E. Jean Carroll in a Manhattan department store in the mid-1990s, and of defaming her when he called her a liar after that she went public with her allegations in 2019. For this, the ex-president was ordered to pay Carroll $5 million. Then he decided to defame her further, and in January, after being convicted of defamation again, he was ordered to pay Carroll another $83.3 million. Two months later, Trump posted $91 million bail and appealed the verdict, and after a brief period of not attacking Carroll, he began defaming her again. Will he get sued again? Following his remarks, Carroll's attorney Roberta Kaplan told the New York Times: The statute of limitations for defamation in most jurisdictions is between one and three years. As we said after the jury's latest verdict, we continue to monitor every statement Donald Trump makes about our client.

The secret money affair




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