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China's Xi Jinping to meet US leaders on Wednesday, sources say

China's Xi Jinping to meet US leaders on Wednesday, sources say


REUTERS/Tingshu Wang/file photo
Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the closing session of the National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, March 11, 2024.

BEIJING (Reuters) – Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet with U.S. business leaders in Beijing on Wednesday, according to three sources familiar with the matter, following his November dinner with U.S. investors in San Francisco.

The meeting was proposed by the chief executive of U.S. insurer Chubb CB.BN, Evan Greenberg, said one of the sources with direct knowledge of the matter. Other participants include Stephen Orlins, chairman of the National Committee on US-China Relations, and Craig Allen, chairman of the US-China Business Council.

The audience with Xi follows Chinese Premier Li Qiang's failure to meet visiting foreign CEOs at the China Development Forum in Beijing on March 24-25, sparking concerns about transparency in the world's second largest economy.

The opportunity to exchange views with Beijing's second leader had become a key part of the summit in previous years.

Foreign companies are trying to reconcile Chinese leaders' public overtures toward overseas investment with the implementation of a broader anti-espionage law, raids on consulting firms and due diligence companies , and exit bans.

“The lack of press for Li Qiang during the two sessions and meetings with foreign leaders at the China Development Forum shows that Xi is very much in charge,” said Alfred Wu, associate professor at the school of politics public Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore.

“Xi authorizes everything and Li Qiang does not want to overshadow his boss,” he added.

Xi received a standing ovation when he dined with U.S. leaders at a dinner hosted by the U.S.-China Business Council and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations in November.

Two sources said the meeting with Xi was not part of the China Development Forum's agenda and was deliberately timed on Wednesday to separate it from the high-level forum bringing together senior foreign leaders and Chinese leaders.

The meeting was first reported by the Wall Street Journal last week.

The Chinese State Council Information Office, the National Committee for U.S.-China Relations, the U.S.-China Business Council and Chubb did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Officials who spoke at the opening of the forum this weekend expressed confidence in China's ability to achieve its economic goals, including growth of around 5 percent this year, and pledged further support businesses in strategically important sectors, an area Xi has called “new productive forces.” »

In November, Xi told U.S. business leaders in San Francisco that China was ready to become a partner and friend of the United States and that there were many opportunities for cooperation, aiming to overcome difficulties of China to attract foreign investment.




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