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How Donald Trump cheats at golf, according to a sports journalist: “He will do anything”

How Donald Trump cheats at golf, according to a sports journalist: “He will do anything”


Sportswriter and author Rick Reilly analyzes Donald Trump's golf game after the former president bragged Sunday that his own golf club won two championships.

The So Help Me Golf author appeared on Deadline White House with Nicolle Wallace to share first-hand observations from playing golf with Trump.

I've always said golf is like cycling shorts. That says a lot about a guy, Reilly joked during his appearance. And what that says about this guy is that he can't lose. He has to win and he will do anything to cheat.

“And I know that because I played golf with him and he took seven mulligans. He took a 'give me a chip-in.' I've never heard of 'give me a contribution,'” he added.

A Trump spokesperson denied Reilly's cheating allegations when contacted by PEOPLE on Wednesday.

Reilly claimed during the segment that he had seen Trump win tournaments even though he was not in the state when the tournaments were taking place, and he also won a tournament in North Korea when he was speaking to the leader Kim Jong Un. Reilly claimed he also witnessed this during a two-day tournament this year.

What is he doing [is] he just calls and leaves, I usually beat this guy, give me the trophy, Reilly said.

And I know that because when I play with him, he says: You know what I do to win these championships, right? and I'm leaving, please tell me. Give it to me. And he says, “Every time I buy a new course, I play the first round by myself and then I declare myself club champion,” Reilly continued. So that's what kind of guy he is.

Retired golfer Jack Nicklaus presents an award to Donald Trump on behalf of the Trump International Golf Club on March 24, 2024.

Joe Raedle/Getty

Reilly went on to claim that Trump has never won a championship at a course he does not own or operate, although he claims to have won 23. The author said Trump has played on stricter courses like Pebble Beach and Lake Tahoe and had never been in the top half. .

Can you just tell us how cheating in such a bold way is against the philosophy of the sport? asked Wallace.

Well, I don't know anything about politics, but I know about golf, he replied. I covered it for about 45 years. This is not a sport where you can cheat. It's just not in the game.

Because Nicolle, if you're a hundred yards from here and I'm a hundred yards from there, I hope you're not going to trick him, kick him, throw him. And you think I won't do it. And that's the only way to play, he continued. Because there are no referees, you can't cover as much territory.

Reilly claimed there were stories Trump's golf opponents told him about kicking his opponents' balls into bunkers. ” And the writer claims that Trump still uses a “turbocharged golf cart that goes three times faster” than his competitors', giving him time. to move the balls before people catch them.

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One time, in Los Angeles, he was playing for $50 a hole with these three guys. He hits him in the pond. They see the splashes. By the time they arrive, [the balls] in the middle of the fairway, and they're like, 'What the hell is Donald,' and then he says, 'It must be the tide,'” Reilly shared.

Some professional golf players have already admitted to letting Trump deceive them, including Tiger Woods and Dustin Johnson, and when Reilly asked them for their reasoning, he claimed they all responded the same way: “I wanted my own story on Trump's cheating.”

In a statement shared with PEOPLE, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung responded to Reilly's segment on MSNBC, saying: “Rick fantasizes about having a golf game as good as President Trump. But at instead of working hard to improve his s— During this match, Rick lets his severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome completely take over his life. He should seek emergency medical attention before he is too late.




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