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Pakistani journalist supporting former Prime Minister Imran Khan disappears, second in 2 weeks

Pakistani journalist supporting former Prime Minister Imran Khan disappears, second in 2 weeks


ISLAMABAD (AP) A prominent Pakistani television journalist known for his public support of former Prime Minister Imran Khan has disappeared, police, his family and his employer said.

The disappearance of Sami Abrahim was first announced in a police tweet on Wednesday evening, hours after his disappearance. His family and the Karachi-based independent BOL Television, where Abrahim works, said Thursday that he had been kidnapped.

Abrahim has long publicly opposed the government of Khan's successor, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif. Khan, a former cricket star turned Islamist politician, served from 2018 to 2022 and was ousted in a vote of no confidence in Parliament last year.

In a press release, BOL TV said Abrahim was taken away by unidentified men on Wednesday. Abrahim's brother, Ali Raza, filed a complaint with police, saying eight people in four vehicles intercepted his brother's car as he was returning from work in the capital, Islamabad, and took him away. His driver is unharmed.

The police tweet promised that they would do their best to find the famous TV journalist.

Abrahim's disappearance comes two weeks after that of another pro-Khan TV journalist, Imran Riaz. Pakistani police denied arresting him.

Reporters Without Borders, the international media watchdog also known by its French acronym RSF, expressed concern over Riaz's safety on Tuesday. In a statement, he urged the Pakistani government to ensure respect for the rule of law by immediately revealing where and under what conditions he is being held.

The Pakistani media community and journalists have also demanded accountability for the October assassination in Kenya of Arshad Sharif, a prominent Pakistani television presenter. The 50-year-old journalist was living in Kenya to avoid arrest at home for defaming the powerful military. According to Kenyan police, officers opened fire on a car carrying Sharif as it passed through a checkpoint outside Nairobi instead of stopping.

Nairobi police later expressed regret over the shooting, saying it was a case of mistaken identity during a search for a similar car involved in a child abduction case.

Earlier this month, Khan's supporters clashed for several days with police across Pakistan, attacking public property including a radio station in the northwestern city of Peshawar and military installations, angered by his arrest in a courtroom in Islamabad. The violence only subsided after Khan was released by the Supreme Court.

The prime minister visited the badly damaged Peshawar station on Thursday, promising in a speech to staff that all suspects linked to the recent violence would be prosecuted.

Khan has repeatedly blamed Washington, the prime minister and the Pakistani military for his ouster charges, which all three have denied, and led an opposition campaign against the government, demanding early elections. .

Since the violent protests, the government has cracked down on Khan's supporters, arresting more than 5,000 people and threatening to put them before military courts.

Also on Thursday, Pakistan's anti-terrorism court gave the military the green light to try 16 suspects arrested in connection with the recent attack on the residence of a top army general in the eastern city of Lahore during the riots. supporters of Khan. It was unclear when the trial would begin.


Associated Press writer Babar Dogar in Lahore, Pakistan, contributed to this story.




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