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Donald Trump makes the same mistake twice: George Conway

Donald Trump makes the same mistake twice: George Conway


Former President Donald Trump is making the same mistake twice in his current criminal trial in Manhattan, George Conway, a staunchly anti-Trump attorney and legal analyst, said this week.

On Wednesday, Conway appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe and spoke about the criminal trial against Trump for his alleged secret payments made to former adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016.

During his appearance, Conway compared Trump's current behavior at trial to his recent defamation case involving E. Jean Carroll, saying, “I actually don't think he has a complete ability to control himself.” I think we saw it during E's trial. John Carroll. , I think we'll see it again.

Conway said he thought it was “important” that New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan gave Trump “warnings” about how he acts toward potential jurors and said, “But the fact is, to the extent that he's doing that to the jury…in front of the jury, it shows a lack of respect for the jury and doesn't necessarily help them and that's one of the reasons why I think he received that $83.3 million verdict in E's second trial. John Carroll.

Former President Donald Trump visits Sanaa Convenience Store, a bodega in upper Manhattan, minutes after leaving Manhattan Criminal Court in New York on April 16. On April 17, Trump lawyer and critic George Conway warned… Former President Donald Trump visits Sana'a convenience store, bodega in upper Manhattan, minutes after leaving Manhattan Criminal Court , in New York, April 16. On April 17, Trump lawyer and critic George Conway warned that the former president could make the same mistake twice in his current criminal case. trial. Learn more Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images/Getty Images Context

Trump's criminal trial in Manhattan continued Tuesday with the jury selection process.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Trump in April 2023, accusing the former president of “fraudulently tampering with business records in New York to conceal crimes that concealed information harmful to voters during the presidential election of 2016”.

Trump has continued to deny any wrongdoing in the matter. The former president had also already been placed under silence by Merchan.

In January, Trump was found guilty of defaming Carroll, a former Elle columnist, in responding to sexual assault allegations made against him. A judge ordered him to pay more than $80 million.

What we know

During the jury selection process Tuesday, Trump lawyer Todd Blanche brought up a potential juror's social media posts, which he said celebrated the former president's defeat in the 2020 election .

Merchan said Trump was clearly audible at that point and gesturing to the juror. The judge said he would not tolerate such behavior, allowing witnesses to be intimidated.

The potential juror was later dismissed after Trump's legal team used one of its peremptory strikes against her.

Newsweek reached out to Trump's spokesperson via email for comment.


In an article published Wednesday on Truth Social, Trump criticized the jury selection process and called for more “strikes” for his legal team.

“I thought STRIKES were supposed to be 'unlimited' when we were choosing our jury? I was then told we only had 10, which was nowhere near enough when we were deliberately assigned the second worst place in the country,” Trump wrote. “Don't worry, we also have the first worst, as the witch hunt continues! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”

And after

The trial will not take place Wednesday but is expected to resume Thursday as the jury selection process continues.

Updated 4/17/24, 11:21 a.m. ET: This story has been updated with additional information.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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