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Mexico suggests it would impose its own tariffs in retaliation for Trump's tariffs.

Mexico suggests it would impose its own tariffs in retaliation for Trump's tariffs.


MEXICO CITY (AP) President Claudia Sheinbaum suggested Tuesday that Mexico could retaliate with its own tariffs, after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump threatened to impose 25% import duties on Mexican goods if the country was not stopping the flow of drugs and migrants across the country. border.

Sheinbaum said she was willing to engage in discussions on these issues, but said drugs were a problem in the United States.

One tariff would be followed by another in response, and so on until we put joint ventures at risk, Sheinbaum said, referring to U.S. automakers that have factories on both sides of the border.

She said Tuesday that Mexico had done much to stem the flow of migrants, noting that migrant caravans were no longer reaching the border. However, Mexico's efforts to combat drugs like fentanyl, a deadly synthetic opioid made by Mexican cartels using chemicals imported from China, have weakened in the past year.

Sheinbaum said Mexico was suffering from an influx of weapons smuggled from the United States and that the flow of drugs posed a public health and consumption problem in your country's society.

Sheinbaum also criticized US arms spending, saying the money should instead be spent regionally to solve the migration problem. If a percentage of what the United States spends on war were spent on peace and development, it would address the underlying causes of migration, she said.

Sheinbaum's sharp response suggests that Trump faces a very different Mexican president than he did during his first term.

In late 2018, former President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was a charismatic, old-school politician who developed a friendly relationship with Trump. The two eventually reached a deal in which Mexico helped keep migrants away from the border and welcomed migrants expelled from other countries and Trump backed down from his threats.

But Sheinbaum, who took office Oct. 1, is a harsh left-wing ideologue trained in radical student protest movements, and seems less willing to appease or appease Trump.

We are negotiating on an equal footing, there is no subordination here, because we are a great nation, Sheinbaum said, adding that I think we will reach an agreement.

But Gabriela Siller, director of economic analysis at the financial group Banco Base, fears that the clash of personalities could degenerate into brinkmanship; Trump clearly hates losing.

Trump may have simply made the threat, as he does, Siller said. But Mexico's response, which was going to respond to you with tariffs, will lead Trump to actually impose them.

It's unclear how serious Trump's threat is. The free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada simply prohibits imposing tariffs on other member countries. And it's unclear whether the economy can tolerate sudden import levies: Auto factories on both sides of the border rely on each other for parts and components, and some production lines could come to a grinding halt. .

This is unacceptable and would lead to inflation and job losses in Mexico and the United States, Sheinbaum said, while offering to discuss these issues. If prices go up, who will it hurt? General Motors, she said.

Dialogue is the best path to achieving understanding, peace and prosperity between our two countries, Sheinbaum said. I hope our teams can come together soon.

On Monday evening, Trump announced that he would impose a 25% tax on all products entering the country from Canada and Mexico, as well as an additional 10% tariff on goods from China, as part of one of his first decrees.

The tariffs, if implemented, could significantly raise prices for U.S. consumers on everything from gasoline to automobiles to agricultural products. The United States is the world's largest importer of goods, with Mexico, China and Canada its top three suppliers, according to the most recent U.S. census data.

Trump made the threats Monday in two posts on his Truth Social website in which he railed against the influx of illegal migrants, even as apprehensions at the southern border remain near a four-year low.

On January 20, as one of my many first executive orders, I will sign all necessary documents to impose a 25% tariff on ALL products entering the United States and its ridiculous open borders on Mexico and Canada , he wrote.

He said the new tariffs would stay in place until drugs, especially Fentanyl, and all illegal aliens stop this invasion of our country!

Mexico and Canada have the absolute right and power to easily resolve this long-simmering problem. We hereby demand that they use this power, he continued, and until they do, it is time for them to pay a very heavy price!




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