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Huskies fall in 15-12 slugfest against Oral Roberts

Huskies fall in 15-12 slugfest against Oral Roberts


STILLWATER, Oklahoma. Washington (35-19) jumped into the lead early but couldn’t hold on as the Huskies battled Oral Roberts (48-11) in a shootout Saturday night at O’Brate Stadium, falling 15-12 in the NCAA Stillwater Regional.

YOUR starters Kiefer Sir took the loss on the mound and fell to 6-6 this season.

The Huskies flew out of the gate and scored seven runs in the first inning. Will Simpson led the offensive offense and threw an one-out triple to center. The slugger scored further AJ Guerreros bag fly. Johnny Tincher put two more on the board and crushed a two-run homer to left.

McKay Barney dropped an RBI single to left to make it 4-0 and Sam DeCarlo capped things off with another big fly and dropped a three-run lane left in the bullpen.

Tincher added another run in the second on an RBI groundout to give the Huskies an 8-0 lead on two complete.

Then things went wrong for UW. ORU hit back with a pair of home runs in the third to cut its lead in half at 8-4, then scored three more runs in the fourth to make it 8-7.

The Golden Eagles added five more in the fifth and what was once a comfortable lead was suddenly replaced by a four-run deficit.

The Huskies did not give up. DeCarlo led off the sixth with a solo bomb to the left, his second big swipe of the game. Two throws later, Cam Clayton hit a solo homer into the bullpen himself, cutting the ORU lead to 12-10.

ORU pulled one run back in the seventh, but Washington got right back to work in the bottom half, stringing together a walk and three consecutive hits, the final RBI knocks for Simpson and Coby Moralesto make it a one-off game.

The Golden Eagles had another answer when it was their turn. ORU led off the inning with a solo home run to left and tacked to another run, extending the lead to 15-12.

After fighting back all night, the Huskies couldn’t muster another try and set up a rematch with Dallas Baptist in an elimination game Sunday at noon PT in Stillwater.

Sam DeCarlos two-homer game is his second in the last six games. Five of the true freshmen’s seven home runs have been since May 13.
Johnny Tincher went to the yard for the second time during the Stillwater Regional. Tincher leads UW with six RBIs during the regional.
Washington homered in 13 of the last 14 games, posting multiple big hits in eight of those games.
Will Simpson extended his hitting streak to 18 games while Coby Morales extended his streak of bases reached to 34 games.
Eight of UW’s nine starters recorded a hit, with six Huskies registering multiple hits.
Eight players came along to score for Washington, led by Sam DeCarlo with three.
Gianluca Shinn pitched a season-high 1.2 innings in relief.

Follow @UW_Baseball on Twitter and Instagram for more information about the UW baseball team.




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