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LSU football practice: Sage Ryan flashes, make play changes | LSU

LSU football practice: Sage Ryan flashes, make play changes |  LSU


Midway through spring training, Brian Kelly watched LSU's identity begin to take shape. This team may not have the same number of stars as the Tigers did last year, but he believes they may have more depth.

“I think this will be much more, that the sum will be greater than any other part of this team, which is great,” Kelly said. I think there will be many players who will play an important role in the team, but we need everyone.

LSU last year he leaned on quarterback Jayden Daniels and wide receivers Malik Nabers and Brian Thomas, three projected first-round picks in the upcoming NFL draft. They are not there, but more players could contribute in certain positions.

Kelly indicated that LSU may rotate cornerbacks and safeties. He also thinks it has seven wide receivers who will make up for the loss of two elite players. After only five recipients graduated last year, production likely won't be as concentrated.

“I think you're going to see a lot of guys that are going to compete and help us instead of one star at one position, one superstar,” Kelly said. And I think that's a good thing.

Kelly said Saturday's practice helped shape this early stance, calling it the kind of day that gave him a chance to get a sense of where your team stands. LSU practiced for about two hours, including about 45 minutes of competitive periods.

The entire session was open to the media. Here are our observations as LSU reached the midpoint of spring ball.

Changes in the secondary

New defensive coordinator Blake Baker brought with him the STAR position, a hybrid defensive back who plays closer to the line of scrimmage. It's a noticeable difference.

The position has the responsibilities of an outside linebacker or a nickel depending on the call. Whoever fills the spot must be able to play man coverage, drop into zones, blitz, tackle in space and handle tight ends off the line.

The STAR gives you much more versatility within your defensive structure, Kelly said.

Major Burns after three years playing the STAR as a deep safety. The 6-foot-4, 195-pound senior struggled at times last season on chasing angles and tackling in space, but Burns also led the team with 93 tackles. Sophomore Ryan Yaites and Auburn transfer Austin Ausberry were his backups Saturday.

“We felt like Major really fit that bill as far as the STAR goes,” Kelly said. He is closer to football and has the skills we were looking for.

With Burns playing a different position, LSU had an opening at safety next to Texas A&M transfer Jardin Gilbert. Redshirt junior Sage Ryan has filled the spot after playing cornerback for the first time in his career last season.

Ryan shined with three interceptions of quarterback Garrett Nussmeier in all-team periods on Saturday. He took advantage of an underthrown deep ball for his first pick, which may have been affected by the wind. For the second he jumped a short route. His third came on a deflection by defensive tackle Jacobian Guillory.

Sage is clearly a guy we've moved all over to find a place for him, Kelly said. He has speed. He has athletic ability. Obviously that was a position that needed some depth, and he provides the experience that was lacking in that position.

Elsewhere in the secondary, sophomores Javien Toviano and Ashton Stamps were the first-team cornerbacks. Ohio State transfer Jyaire Brown and early enrollee PJ Woodland were on the second-team defense. JK Johnson, who looked limited, and freshman Jeremiah Hughes were the third-team cornerbacks.

Early entrant Dashwan McBryde stood out. He made several pass breakups and got second-team reps. According to 247Sports, McBryde was the No. 2 overall safety in the class of 2024. At 6-foot-4 and 202 pounds, he may have a shot at early playing time.

Differences in the run game

Kelly said the offense focused on implementing a new running game through the first seven practices. Without Daniels, they want variety that leans on the strength of their veteran offensive line, especially tackles Will Campbell and Emery Jones.

Knowing we have two excellent tackles, let's get them involved in our run plan, Kelly said. There's been a lot more pin-and-pull, a lot more outside zone and that's especially true for both guys.

It's not just idle offseason talk. The first two runs of the team period on Saturday took place outside. Shotguns were thrown. LSU's offensive linemen moved to set up blocks, and they had some dominant moments opening gaps.

With Jones limited, redshirt freshman Tyree Adams played right tackle for the second straight practice. Jones had missed practice on Wednesday.

Building on these schematic changes, Nussmeier went under center at one point and then completed a throw on a play-action rollout. And LSU has been working on tunnel screens, which haven't been a significant part of the offense the last two years. They can act as an extension of the run game and emphasize the use of the offensive line.

WRs are rising

During the first team period, senior wide receiver Kyren Lacy broke open deep behind the secondary. Nussmeier launched a pitch into the wind. Lacy lofted the ball over Gilbert and then trotted into the end zone.

Since Lacy returned for his senior season, Kelly said his focus on training is so different from last year. Lacy doesn't get distracted that often. He looks confident and is consistently making plays.

He was the third guy (last year), and he's not, Kelly said. He's the man, and that's how he handles himself.

Lacy was already a projected starter. LSU had to replace Nabers and Thomas. It has multiple options to fill their spots, and one that stands out so far is redshirt junior Chris Hilton.

Kelly complimented Hilton's consistency, saying he hasn't struggled with falls or dealt with injuries like he did earlier in his career. So far, Hilton and Lacy have played in the first-team attack during all three open practices.

He now knows the mantle has been passed to him and it's his time, Kelly said. I think he's really done a great job of being the next wide receiver at LSU.”




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