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Nantucket Stream | Season preview: girls tennis hoping to driveDepth

Nantucket Stream |  Season preview: girls tennis hoping to driveDepth


As Nantucket tennis head coach Luke Thornewill enters his fourth season leading the varsity program, he feels a lot of excitement as he looks up and down the lineup at the quality depth and multi-sport athletes on his team that should give him plenty of options this season. spring when putting together his daily lineups.

“Our doubles depth will be much greater this year than ever before, Thornewill said. We have six very strong players to fill the seven spots right away, just in terms of superior skill levels that we have never had before. I think it will show itself.

The seven spots include three singles players and two doubles teams. The Whalers had to replace several experienced players last season, such as Abbey Boylan, Emily Dussault, Haley Ray and Sarah Hanlon, leaving the 2023 squad young and talented, but inexperienced.

This year, Nantucket will have more experience with seniors Joan Harris, Lauren Cutone and Hannah Gerardi all returning for their second go-round as singles. Sophomore Fiona Keltz, who replaced Gerardi as the #3 single last spring, will also return .

Harris will likely start the season as the Whalers' top singles player, but Thornewill also praised #2 single Cutone for her offseason improvements.

This is Joan's second year in singles and this year looks faster and stronger, Thornewill said. Her footwork is much better. On Monday we had our first round of challenge matches and she and Lauren battled it out even in the strong wind. Joan is just She's a natural athlete and she's so mentally strong We're looking forward to her being one of the leaders.

But our top five or six are extremely close, Thornewill continued. Lauren is hot on Joan's heels. I think Lauren has gained some strength this past year and I think we're going to see great things from her. Her groundstrokes look very solid and strong, just like Joans. On Monday they were just banging back and forth against each other from the backfield.

Thornewill said Gerardi looks like she has taken her game to another level and appears ready to step up again this season, in the same way she did last year when Keltz was injured.

Freshman Lily Chibnik has also caught Thornewill's attention and believes that despite her young age, she is equal in ability to the three seniors and Keltz.

Senior Chloe Marrero will help anchor the Whalers doubles teams and Thornewill praised not only her abilities as an athlete but also her leadership skills, which earned her the honor of being one of the team's four captains along with Harris, Cutone and Gerardi are.

“They were selected because each of them brings something special to the team that the others don't have, and that's why we went with four of them, Thornewill said. They are all highly respected.

The Whalers' first game is scheduled for Saturday, March 30 at 1 p.m. against Marthas Vineyard, a notoriously strong and successful program that finished last year with a 10-8 record. You can view the full Whaler girls tennis schedule at click here.




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