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Royal Cliff organizes the junior tennis championship

Royal Cliff organizes the junior tennis championship


PATTAYA, April 9, 2024: The AssetWise Junior Tennis Thailand Championship, a leading tennis event for young athletes in Asia, will be held from May 3 to 5, 2024 at the Royal Cliff Hotels Groups Fitz Club sports facility.

The tournament, for children up to 14 years old, offers participants the opportunity to earn points towards their national ranking/ranking in Thailand. AssetWise Public Company Limited, Yonex and Technifibre sponsor this prestigious event.

CEO of Royal Cliff Hotels Group and ITF Masters champion Vitanart Vathanakul is leading the initiative to make Pattaya a premier tennis destination.

“We are pleased to contribute to Pattaya's reputation as a leading city in competitive sports, especially tennis. Our tournament provides a perfect platform for young athletes to showcase their skills and compete against their peers in a nurturing and supportive atmosphere, he explained. The event is designed to embed the principles of discipline, teamwork and healthy competition among children at an early stage while refining their technical skills. We aim to nurture and develop future talent for Thailand to compete on the ATP circuit.”

In addition, on May 3, the Royal Cliff will organize a tennis clinic with tips and valuable techniques, presented by professional coaches, and participate in warm-up exercises. Participants can take up the challenge of competing against Vitanart Vathanakul in a super tie-break format. The winners receive a special prize.

In addition to the competitive play, the tournament offers a variety of activities and social gatherings to keep players and their families entertained over the weekend. Food stations offer snacks, drinks, fruit, ice cream and other refreshments. Medical staff and support services will be available to players throughout the event. The venue will also offer play areas where children can engage in creative activities, including arts and crafts, while they wait for their matches. A massage area will also be available, offering a range of treatments by experienced therapists.

Registration for the tournament is now open and interested parents and players can register via Special room rates are being offered to all tournament participants, and bookings can be made on the website (use promo code ASW24) or by contacting us on 038-250421 ext. 2820-24 or [email protected]. We encourage everyone to register early to secure a spot in the tournament and avoid disappointment.

Fitz Club Racquets, Health & Fitness, a top sports center under the Royal Cliff banner, has been the preferred choice of renowned ATP players such as Paradorn Srichaphan, Danai Udomchoke, Nikolay Davydenko, Mikhail Youzhny, Dmitry Tursunov and Denis Istomin, among others. These players have previously held tennis camps at this facility. With tennis courts comparable to those of the Australian Open, Fitz Club is a go-to for top players looking to get used to the conditions of grand slam tournaments. In addition to tennis, the club has a rich history of organizing various sporting events, including junior and senior tennis matches, squash championships and table tennis matches.

For more information about the Royal Cliff Hotels Group and Fitz Club, please visit and or send an email to [email protected].




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