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Samsung Discover Event Offers Significant Discounts on Smartphones, TVs and Electronics



Black Friday is more than two months away, but you don’t have to wait until the day after Turkey’s day to get a great score. In fact, Samsung is currently hosting some of the best offers of the year. The latest Discover event starts today and runs until September 26th.

The week-long event boasts significant price cuts for top products from several companies across categories, from TVs and smartphones to computers and consumer electronics. In addition to daily deals, shoppers familiar with the most impressive discounts can also save a lot by bundling items in the same category.

So whether you need a new pair of earphones or want to stack your entire kitchen with a new appliance, see our summary below for Discover Samsung’s best offer.

Galaxy Z Fold 35G and Galaxy Tab F7 FE (starting at $ 899.99;


Galaxy Z Fold 35G and Galaxy Tab F7 FE

Was it torn between upgrading your smartphone or adding a new tablet to your tech weapon? Discover that Samsung’s first daily deal on Monday has curtailed that difficult decision and is incredibly affordable to get both. Earn a Galaxy Z Fold3 5G with up to $ 900 in trade-in credits and earn a Galaxy Tab F7 FE for just $ 99.99. At that price, you can handle both items yourself or keep your tablet hidden for future holiday gifts.

Galaxy Z Flip3 5G (starting at $ 399.99;


Galaxy Z Flip3 5G

Details of Galaxy Flip Fan? The new Galaxy Z Flip 35G is also celebrating Discover Samsung, with a week-long trade-in offer of up to $ 600.

Frame 75 inch QLED 4K smart TV ($ 2,699.99, initially $ 2,999.99;


Frame 75 inch QLED 4K smart TV

Discover Samsung is particularly noteworthy in the second transaction of the day, as Samsung’s sophisticated frame TVs usually do not offer significant discounts. On Tuesday, the 75-inch Class The Frame QLED 4K smart TV will be $ 300 off. Smaller models from 32 “to 65” are also enjoying price cuts as part of Tuesday’s offer.

65-inch class QN90AS Samsung Neo QLED 4K smart TV ($ 2,199.99, initially $ 2,599.99;


65 inch class QN90A Samsung Neo QLED 4K smart TV

If you’re fascinated by Neo QLED, Discover Samsung will help. The 65-inch Smart 4K Smart TV is $ 400 off throughout the week. Other sizes from 50 inches to 85 inches that swallow the wall will also be discounted during the event.

Custom 4-door flex refrigerator (starting at $ 2,748.99, initially $ 3,498.9,


Custom 4-door flex refrigerator

Samsung’s popular kitchen appliances line will see the biggest price cuts in years, including a bespoke 4-door flex refrigerator, which has been cut by as much as $ 1,100 as part of Wednesday’s daily transaction.

Kitchen Bundle ($ 6,116; Initially $ 8,546;


Kitchen bundle

Of course, if you want to build up your savings while completely transforming your kitchen, it’s a good idea to check out the weekly bundle offer, which saves you nearly $ 2,500 with a fridge, stove, microwave, and dishwasher. increase. together.

Jet Robot Vacuum ($ 499.99, initially $ 599.99;


Jet robot vacuum cleaner

As the busy holiday party season approached, we were all able to use some help to prepare the house before the thugs arrived, not to mention cleaning up after they left. Thankfully, the Samsung Jet Bot Robot Vacuum is ready to be cleaned at a reasonable cost, with a $ 100 discount on futuristic dust busters on Friday’s daily transactions.

Jet 75 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner ($ 529, initially $ 649,


Jet75 cordless vacuum cleaner

If the traditional stick vacuum cleaner is your style, the event will also offer great deals on the Samsung Jet 75 Complete Cordless Vacuum Cleaner. The compact vac bundled with the Samsung Clean Station is $ 529, $ 120 off the regular price, making housekeeping almost fun. largely.

Galaxy Tab S7 / S7 + (starting at $ 239.99;


Galaxy Tab S7 / S7 +

For trading that Thursday, the Galaxy Tabs start at just $ 239.99 and have a qualified trade-in. The Galaxy Tab S7 and Galaxy Tab S7 + are up to 40% off, and the latter 12.4-inch model is available for just $ 429.99.

32-inch 4K UE570 UHD display ($ 219.99, initially $ 299.99,


32 inch 4K UE570U HD display

Need a premium computer monitor that won’t punish your wallet? Discover that Samsung’s Saturday daily deal has regained you. Their acclaimed 28-inch 4K UE570 UHD monitor costs $ 219.99, down $ 80 from regular price.

Power Viewing Bundle (starting at $ 431.98, initially $ 348,


Power viewing bundle

Of course, if you want to save on your monitor and tablet, the event will also offer a week-long Power Viewing bundle, scoring both hardware at 10% off.

Galaxy Buds 2 (starting at $ 139.99;


Galaxy Buds 2

Samsung concludes the Discover event on Sunday with 25% off the all-in-one Galaxy Buds 2 bundle, starting at $ 139.99 with eligible trade-in.

Ecosystem Bundle (starting at $ 719.96, initially $ 1,469.96,


Ecosystem bundle

Also, if you want to pair your new smartphone or smartwatch with these Galaxy Buds, consider the Galaxy Z Flip 35G ecosystem bundle. Available throughout the event, this stacked product will earn you the Galaxy Z Flip 3 5G (with silicon case), 44 mm Galaxy Watch, and their Galaxy Buds 2 from $ 719.96.

Check out CNN Coupons for more deals.




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