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Google removes Android screen recording app that spied on users with remote access Trojan

Google removes Android screen recording app that spied on users with remote access Trojan


Google recently removed a Trojan-infected Android app from the Play Store that was installed on more than 50,000 devices. The app was first uploaded by its developer in 2021 and was infected with malicious code a year later, according to the security firm that detected the Trojan. The app was also able to detect audio, video and web page extensions to extract and upload the user’s files. While the app is removed from the Play Store, users who downloaded the app will have to manually remove the app from their devices.

According to a report published by ESET researchers, the iRecorder app was first uploaded to the Play Store in September 2019 without any malicious features. Nearly a year later, the app was infected with a variant of the open-source AhMyth Android RAT (Remote Access Trojan), which researchers dubbed his AhRat. Users who update or download the app for the first time after August 2022 have the infected app on their devices.

The iRecorder app has over 50,000 downloads on the Google Play Store Photo Credit: Screenshots/ESET

Early versions of the app had no malicious features, but later updated code allowed for malicious behavior, such as using the phone’s microphone to record ambient sounds and voice. ESET says the code has been added. These recordings can be uploaded to an attacker’s command and control (C&C) server. The app was also able to extract files with specific extensions such as videos, audios, images, web pages, documents and compressed files.

ESET researchers found that AhMyth RAT can record audio, capture images, track the location of the device, and generate a list of all files on the smartphone, while also allowing text messages, call logs, It describes it as a very powerful tool that can extract contacts. .

Researchers say the app’s behavior suggests that the AhRat Trojan could be used as part of an espionage campaign, although the Trojan could be used in any Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). It was not possible to determine whether it was caused by a group. Meanwhile, ESET says the original open-source AhMyth RAT was previously used by cyber-espionage group APT36, commonly known as the Transparent Tribe, to target government and military organizations in South Asia.

After ESET reported the malicious code in the iRecorder app to Google, the app was removed from the Google Play Store. The app had already been downloaded 50,000 times, according to the list at the time of its removal. Users who installed or updated the application after being infected will have to manually uninstall the infected application to remove it from their smartphone.

At Google I/O 2023, the search giant reiterated its focus on AI as it launched its first foldable smartphone and Pixel-branded tablet. The company plans to significantly add his AI technology to its apps, services and Android operating system this year. More on this and more in the Gadgets 360 Podcast Orbital. Orbital is available wherever podcasts are available, including Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music. Affiliate links may be automatically generated. For more information, please see our Ethics Statement.




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