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Apple launches revolutionary iPhone update, but there are some pitfalls

Apple launches revolutionary iPhone update, but there are some pitfalls


Thanks to recent changes to the Apple App Store, there's a new class of apps never before seen on iPhone: game emulators. On April 5th, Apple changed its App Store guidelines. Some of these changes only concern users in the EU (more information here), but updates that allow game emulator apps apply worldwide.

New app iGBA.


Now, just a few days later, the emulator app has hit the App Store. One such app is His iGBA, which allows the user to play Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color games on her iPhone or iPad. It was early. No doubt, more emulator apps will appear in quick succession. This is a huge change for the iPhone.

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Two weeks ago, this app would never have made it to the App Store.

This emulator is meant to simulate Nintendo devices, meaning that if you have a ROM file for a Game Boy Advance or Game Boy Color game, you can open it on your iGBA and start playing.

To avoid legal issues, you need to own a copy of the game in question, not just download a ROM from the Internet (though ROMs are widely available). Local laws vary, so check before risking breaking the law. As Tech Radar points out: But be warned: In most parts of the world, the only way to legally use these emulators is to rip the code from the original disc or cartridge you've already paid for. . On the wrong side of the law.

In fact, the app works well. I played Super Mario World on my iPhone and iPad, a game I've owned for decades. It plays in the top half of your iPhone's screen. You can also turn your iPhone horizontally for a larger screen experience (though the overlaid joypad and buttons get a little intrusive). It's easier to play on the iPad, but the limitations of retro graphics become apparent. .

Since iGBA came out just days after the rule change, we might see a ton of emulator apps in the near future.

However, the situation gets more complicated and there is a catch here. According to The Verge, iGBA does not appear to be the work of developer Mattia La Spinas himself. Developer Riley Testut said in an email to The Verge that the app is an unauthorized clone of GBA4iOS, an open source emulator he created for iOS over a decade ago, and that his app is licensed under GNU GPLv2. He said he was using a license. Mastodon's user discovered that iGBA does not mention the license and may be in violation of its terms. Nevertheless, he says he is frustrated with Apple, not La Spina.

Testut says he plans to launch his app, Delta, soon. The Verge continues: When reached for comment, La Spina wouldn't explicitly acknowledge that he was using Testuts' code, but said he didn't expect the app to have such a big impact. He told the Verge that he was truly sorry and added that he had reached out to Testuts via email. It's worth noting that iGBA collects data such as location data and identifiers. So it might be worth waiting until Delta hits the App Store.

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