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Google fires 28 employees involved in sit-in protests over $1.2 billion Israeli contract

Google fires 28 employees involved in sit-in protests over $1.2 billion Israeli contract


Google has fired 28 employees for participating in a 10-hour sit-in at the search giant's offices in New York and Sunnyvale, California to protest its business relationship with the Israeli government, the Post reported. Reported.

Google's vice president of global security, Chris Rakow, said in a company-wide memo that pro-Palestinian staff members wearing traditional Arab headscarves stormed and occupied an executive's office in California on Tuesday. said he was fired late Wednesday following an internal investigation. .

“They took over office space, desecrated our property, and physically interfered with the work of other Google employees,” Rakow wrote in a memo obtained by the Post. Their behavior was unacceptable, extremely disruptive, and made colleagues feel threatened.

In New York, demonstrators took over the 10th floor of Google's offices in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood as part of a protest that spread to the company's offices in Seattle, calling for “No Technology for Genocide.” A protest called “Action Day'' was held.

A large group of Google employees hold placards protesting their company's participation in “Project Nimbus.” X/@Nortech Apartheid

This type of behavior has no place in our workplace and we will not tolerate it,” Rakow wrote. “This is a clear violation of multiple policies that all employees must abide by, including our Code of Conduct and Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, Standards of Conduct, and Workplace Concerns.

Rakow added that the company takes this matter extremely seriously and will continue to enforce our long-standing policies and take action against disruptive behavior, up to and including termination.

The fired staff members belong to a group called No Tech for Apartheid, which has criticized Google's response to the Israel-Hamas war.

The group had posted several videos and livestreams of the protest on its X account, including the exact moment the employee received a final warning and was arrested by local police for trespassing.

Protesters called on Google to withdraw its $1.2 billion Project Nimbus contract, in which Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services provide cloud computing and artificial intelligence services to the Israeli government and military.

The unruly staff were fired late Wednesday. Twitch/Notech 4 Apartheid

Critics of the company have expressed concern that the technology could be used as a weapon against Palestinians in Gaza.

The affected workers blamed Google over the layoffs in a statement from No Tech for Apartheid spokesperson Jane Chan.

This evening, Google indiscriminately fired 28 workers, including some who did not directly participate in yesterday's historic 10-hour sit-in protests on both coasts, workers said. said in a statement.

This flagrant act of retaliation shows that Google values ​​its $1.2 billion contract with the genocidal Israeli government and military more than its own employees, which create real value for executives and shareholders. is clearly shown.

Some wore traditional Arab headscarves as they stormed and occupied the offices of top officials in California. Twitch/Notech 4 Apartheid

“Sundar Pichai and Thomas Kurian are the beneficiaries of genocide,” the statement added, referring to Google's CEO and cloud chief executive officer, respectively.

I wonder how, thanks to their technology, they can sleep at night despite the fact that 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, missing, or injured in Israel's massacres over the past six months. we don't understand. ”

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A New York City Police Department spokesperson said Tuesday's protest drew a total of about 50 participants and confirmed four people were arrested for trespassing inside the Google building.

The Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety said about 80 people participated in the protest in California. A total of five protesters who refused to leave Google's offices were arrested without incident on trespassing charges, arrested, and released, the spokesperson added.

It was not immediately clear whether all nine arrested employees were among those fired. Google previously placed employees on administrative leave and cut off access to internal systems.

When asked for comment, a Google spokesperson confirmed the firings. X/@Nortech Apartheid

Last month, Google fired a software engineer who publicly criticized one of the company's Israel-based executives during a technology conference in New York City.

When asked for comment, a Google spokesperson confirmed the firings.

These protests are part of a long-standing campaign, primarily by organizations and groups of people who don't work at Google, a spokesperson said in a statement.

These protests are part of a years-long campaign, primarily by organizations and groups of people who don't work at Google, a spokesperson said in a statement. X/@Nortech Apartheid

A small number of employee protesters entered several of our locations and caused disruption. Physically interfering with the work of other employees or preventing access to our facilities is a clear violation of our policies and is completely unacceptable behavior.

So far, the individual investigations leading to the termination of 28 employees have been concluded, and the company will continue to investigate and take action as necessary, the spokesperson added.

Protesters stormed Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian's personal office in Sunnyvale.

Mr. Krian's custom-framed Golden State Warriors jersey appeared on the office wall in the background of the livestream, and employees wrote a list of demands on his whiteboard.

Critics of the company have expressed concern that the technology could be used as a weapon against Palestinians in Gaza. X/@Nortech Apartheid

The company-wide memo can be read in full below.

Dear Google Employees

Some of you may have seen reports yesterday that there were protests in some of our offices. Unfortunately, many employees brought their events to our buildings in New York and Sunnyvale. They took over office space, defaced our property, and physically interfered with the work of other Googlers. Their behavior was unacceptable, extremely disruptive, and made colleagues feel threatened. We have investigated the employees involved and blocked their access to our systems. Those who refused to leave were arrested by law enforcement and removed from the office.

As a result of the investigation, today we have terminated 28 employees who were found to be involved. We will continue to investigate and respond as necessary.

This type of behavior has no place in our workplace and we will not tolerate it. This is a clear violation of multiple policies that all employees must abide by, including our Code of Conduct and our Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, Standards of Conduct, and Workplace Issues policies.

We are a business, and all Googlers are expected to read our policies and apply them to their behavior and communications at work. The vast majority of our employees are doing the right thing. If you're one of the few who's tempted to think we'll overlook violations of our policies, think again. We take this matter extremely seriously and will continue to enforce our long-standing policies and take action against disruptive behavior, up to and including termination.

They should expect to hear more from their leaders about standards of behavior and discourse in the workplace.





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