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OpenAI is exploring ways to responsibly generate AI porn

OpenAI is exploring ways to responsibly generate AI porn


OpenAI on Wednesday published a draft document setting out how it hopes ChatGPT and other AI technologies will work. Part of the lengthy model spec document reveals that the company is exploring a move into pornography and other explicit content.

Currently, OpenAI's usage policy prohibits sexually explicit or even suggestive content, but notes on some of the model specifications related to that rule state that the company allows such content. It is stated that they are considering ways to do this.

The memo states that the company is considering whether it is possible to responsibly provide the ability to generate NSFW content in an age-appropriate context through the API and ChatGPT, and that would not be considered safe in a work context. A colloquial term is used to refer to content. We look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of user and societal expectations for model behavior in this area.

The model specification document states that NSFW content may include erotica, extreme gore, slurs, and unsolicited profanity. As OpenAI considers how to responsibly create NSFW content, does it envision relaxing its usage policies ever so slightly, such as allowing the generation of erotic text? It is unclear whether this is intended to allow for broader descriptions and depictions of violence.

In response to questions from WIRED, OpenAI spokesperson Grace McGuire said model specs increase transparency in the development process and allow for diverse perspectives and feedback from the public, policymakers, and other stakeholders. He said it was an attempt to do so. She declined to share details about what OpenAI's consideration of generating explicit content includes or what feedback the company has received on the idea.

Earlier this year, OpenAI Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati told the Wall Street Journal that she did not know whether the company would allow nude depictions using its video generation tool Sora in the future. .

AI-generated pornography has quickly become one of the largest and most problematic applications of the type of generative AI technology pioneered by OpenAI. Explicit images and videos of so-called deepfake pornography, created with AI tools and depicting real people without their consent, have become a common tool for harassment against women and girls. After Florida police indicted two teenage boys for allegedly creating images of fellow middle school students, WIRED reported in March that the first minor in the U.S. to be charged with distributing AI-generated nudes without their consent. reported that he had been arrested.

Daniel Keats Citron, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law who studies the issue, says that intimate privacy violations, such as deepfake sex videos and other non-consensual synthetic intimate images, are pervasive and serious. It is said that it has caused significant damage. We now have clear empirical evidence that the costs of such abuse target important opportunities for individuals, such as working, speaking, and being physically safe. .

Citron argues that the potential for OpenAI to accept explicit AI content is alarming.

OpenAI's usage policy prohibits unauthorized impersonation, so even if the company allows creators to generate NSFW material, images without explicit consent will still be prohibited. However, it remains to be seen whether the company can effectively suppress explicit generation to prevent malicious parties from using the tool. Microsoft made changes to one of its generative AI tools after 404 Media reported that the tool was used to create explicit images of Taylor Swift that were distributed on social platform X.

Additional reporting by Reece Rogers




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