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T-Mobile, Georgia Tech, and Curiosity Lab work together to drive 5G innovation


John Avery is the director of Georgia Tech’s Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC).

The new 5G incubator is located at Peachtree Corners’ 500-acre smart city technology park. A living lab equipped with T-Mobile 5G, where more than 8,000 people live. The facility has a 25,000-square-foot innovation center and a 3-mile self-driving car test track. T-Mobile has rolled out extended 5G and ultra-capacity 5G networks throughout the park, allowing developers to build solutions in real-world environments. Here, developers build and test new 5G use cases such as self-driving cars, robotics, industrial drone applications, mixed reality training and entertainment, telemedicine, personal health and fitness wearables.

“What a matchup! America’s leading 5G network, Georgia Institute of Technology’s illustrious spirit, and the country’s most advanced living lab-now it’s a powerful combination,” said T-Mobile’s Advanced & Emerging Technologies EVP. John Saw said. “I can’t wait to see the innovations that entrepreneurs and developers will experience as they build the next big thing in 5G, backed by these world-class resources.”

The new incubator, jointly managed with the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center for Advanced Technology Development (ATDC), is an extension of the T-Mobile Accelerator and is part of Un-carrier’s efforts to promote 5G innovation. T-Mobile supports a number of initiatives to help start-ups and entrepreneurs develop, test, and bring innovative new 5G products and services to market. T-Mobile Accelerator is an award-winning program founded in 2014 that began in the Smart City Corridor of Kansas City.

Companies participating in the 5G Connected Future program will work directly with T-Mobile Accelerator, Georgia Tech, and Curiosity Lab technology and business leaders to build and test new products and services that unlock the potential of T-Mobile 5G. , To market. .. ATDC is a globally recognized technology incubator. 5G Connected Future Vertical is ATDC’s fourth type, following other target programs in health, retail and financial technology.

“In addition to the usual startup concerns, 5G entrepreneurs face a unique set of challenges, including regulatory issues at the state and local levels, network security, and integration testing,” said ATDC Director John Avery. Says.

ATDC combines Georgia Institute of Technology resources, research expertise, and student talent to help entrepreneurs learn, launch, scale, and succeed by combining startup curriculum, coaching, connections, and communities. Brings a unique framework with direct access to. In this effort, ATDC will provide programming, recruit and evaluate startups, and hire staff to manage the Peachtree Corners industry.

“This collaboration is unique to ATDC, Georgia Tech (the city of Peachtree Corners and Curiosity Labs), and T-Mobile, a Fortune 50 company, to work with these companies to refine their ideas into a scalable company. It’s a great opportunity to create a collection of, and bring these solutions to market faster, “says Avery.

Such partnerships underscore “Georgia Institute of Technology’s commitment to enable tomorrow’s technology leaders as strong as when ATDC was founded 41 years ago.” Chaouki T. Abdallah, Executive Vice President of Research, Georgia Institute of Technology, said. “Innovation cannot happen in a vacuum, so entrepreneurs and start-ups need the knowledge and resources provided through partnerships like ours.”

“City of Peachtree Corners and Curiosity Lab continue to confirm our commitment to innovation through programs, partnerships and engagements with industry leaders such as T-Mobile and Georgia Tech,” said Betsy Plattenburg, Executive Director of Curiosity Lab. “These two organizations helped launch the Curiosity Lab. Our ongoing collaboration creates opportunities for the next generation of intelligent mobility and smart city entrepreneurs.”

T-Mobile 5G, a platform for innovation

T-Mobile is America’s 5G leader, with the fastest and largest 5G network in the country. T-Mobile’s Extended Range 5G covers more than 280 million people over approximately 1.6 million square miles. This is wider than the combined geographical range of AT & T and Verizon. With Sprint becoming part of T-Mobile, Un-carrier has expanded its lead and used a dedicated spectrum to provide customers with devices with download speeds of around 300Mbps and peak speeds of up to 1Gbps. doing.

Building on the supercharged 5G network, T-Mobile is working to drive 5G innovation and build a 5G ecosystem. Un-carrier supports 5G R & D in collaboration with universities and standards bodies. In addition to running the award-winning T-Mobile Accelerator, he also runs the T-Mobile Ventures Investment Fund and is a co-founder of the 5G Open Innovation Lab.

Startups interested in participating in the 5G Connected Future program can sign up here.

/ Public release. This material is from the original organization and may be of a particular point-in-time nature, edited for clarity, style, and length. Show it completely here.

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