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If you didn’t get an alert on the MyShake app before, during, or after the Tuesday 4.5 earthquake, here’s why

If you didn’t get an alert on the MyShake app before, during, or after the Tuesday 4.5 earthquake, here’s why


Hollister, California (KGO) – The epicenter of Tuesday’s earthquake was located near Hollister but was felt across much of the region.

Many have expressed their frustration online about not getting the ShakeAlert earthquake update on their phones.

“All of a sudden there was a big shake here and a little bit of shaking after that,” said Tim Dawson of the California Geological Survey in San Mateo.

“It started to vibrate and then it started to play real,” said the sergeant. Bo Leland of the Hollister Police Department.

Video: 4.5 earthquake near Hollister shakes store shelves, even felt across SF Bay Area

Descriptions of Tuesday’s earthquake came from across the Bay Area.

On JR Stone’s ABC 7 News Facebook page, questions and comments about the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system are pouring in. People like Melanie have received and written a ShakeAlert photo. “I felt it at Gilroy. I got the alert on my phone.”

But many others, like Vicki and Sheila, said they never got a heads up. Those from the USGS say there’s a reason for that.

“The people who are going to get these alerts at a measure of four and a half and higher are going to be the ones who can feel that intensity at three levels,” said Robert D. Groot of USGS ShakeAlert Operations.

And while many who live in the South Bay, Peninsula, San Francisco, and Tri-Valley area report feeling the quake, Robert D. Groot of the USGS says the intensity of three levels of motion was felt near Hollister, where the 4.5 was centered. That intensity was not felt in San Francisco or San Jose.

“The idea is to send those alerts to the people who can feel the most vibration where the danger is the greatest. And we want to prioritize that because of course the basic currency of a vibration alert system is time and the more alerts you want to deliver, the longer it takes,” de Groot said. .

More: USGS experts predict when a 7.5-magnitude earthquake could hit the Bay Area

He says they are constantly working to improve the warning system that monitors earthquakes in California, Oregon and Washington. While there is still work to be done, early warnings of a decrease in earthquake intensity present a bit of a challenge.

“The third intensity level, which is a truck going through your house, is kind of the lowest we can do most accurately at this point. When you get to the lower levels of vibration, there are so many factors that affect whether you feel it or not, it’s hard Sort of like people have to feel like triple digits in some cases,” de Groot said.

Several alerts went out immediately after the vibration occurred or after it occurred. The USGS is working on improvements that can speed up getting the data and getting it to the people.

Click here for the latest stories and videos about earthquakes here in the Bay Area and around the world, and click here for more information on disaster preparedness.

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