As with the COVID-19 case in Quebec and the fourth wave of concern, the requirement for a vaccine passport is similar.
Cases are on the rise, despite months of unabated efforts by health authorities to protect the unvaccinated segment of the state’s population from COVID-19.
The state’s seven-day moving average, which helps smooth the peaks and valleys of the data, jumped to 143 cases, the highest since mid-June.
Today, the State Public Health Institute has recorded 175 new cases. This is the second highest number of new daily cases reported in more than a month.
Liberal opposition leader Dominique Anglade joins the Lugo administration amid rising incident trends Vaccine passport system.
On her Facebook page today, Anglade said the state needs a vaccine passport to avoid another blockade, as people will return to the office and schools will reopen in the coming weeks. I did.
The Quebec government has stated that since September, some states with high COVID-19 infections need to be vaccinated to access non-essential services.
Today, New York City announced that it will need proof of vaccination from people who want to participate in certain indoor activities, especially restaurants and gyms.
Platy Babaral, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said the window of action to avoid the fourth wave in Quebec was closing soon, guiding people towards immunization. I support.
“Looking at the increase in cases, I think [a vaccination passport] It makes sense to do this at this point. “
Quebec’s health minister, Christian Dubé, said passports would not be used if enough people were vaccinated and the infection rate was low, but today there are concerns about an increase in cases and the system. He said he would not hesitate to impose.
“Remember that vaccines are a safer choice than contracting for delta mutants,” he said. Tweet.. “Therefore, if things get worse, we are ready to give you a vaccine passport.”
Mauritier’s anxious tendency
The situation is of particular concern in the Mauritier-Center Duquebec region, which recorded 150 cases today. The region is rapidly catching up with populous regions such as Laval and Monterégie, which recorded 163 and 159 cases, respectively.
At least three restaurants in downtown Trois Rivieres have been voluntarily and temporarily closed as a precautionary measure due to the surge in COVID-19 cases.
CIUSSS Mauricie-Centre du Québec, a community health agency in the region, states that the situation is difficult but under control. They are also convinced that they do not need a vaccine passport to curb the increase in cases, but say they welcome it as a last resort.
Approximately 83% of the target population is vaccinated, and health agencies are implementing hygiene measures in restaurants, bars and shops by public health and downtown outreach workers to encourage vaccination. , States that it is implementing various measures. Lower the case number.
Of the 96 positive cases in the region in the last four days, the majority were in the 18-39 year old group, either unvaccinated or only once.
“The situation in Quebec is pretty good.”
According to Dr. Carl Weiss, who is responsible for infectious diseases at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, a surge in such cases was expected. However, he says it is important to note that hospitalizations and deaths are stable throughout the state.
“Overall, I think the situation in Quebec is pretty good,” he said, looking at the United States, where Delta variants are rapidly becoming widespread.
The hospitalization rate is stable so far, Quebec has further relaxed restrictions, This may contribute to the spread of delta variants within the state.
However, Weiss said he is currently facing an “unvaccinated pandemic” and states that he is 25 times more likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated people. Still, while the negative impact on the health care system is much less, the state is likely to face more waves, he says.
“At some point it can be wavenumber 15, but wavenumber 4 is very different from wavenumber 3 because a significant portion of the population is already immunized,” he said.
Both Baral and Weiss acknowledge that unvaccinated students can occur in the fall when they return to school and urge the government to impose strict measures that go beyond vaccination efforts.
“Is the school ventilated?” Baral said. “When 30 unvaccinated children are in the classroom, what does it look like to mitigate the risk and keep the risk as low as possible?”
Today, Minister of Education Jean-Francois Roberge Tweet He is currently working with public health to update the parameters towards the start of the school year.
“We will consider the evolution of pandemics and vaccinations to provide a safe environment for students and staff,” he said.
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