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COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations tending to decline slightly in northern Virginia | Heading


New COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are declining again in northern Virginia and across the state, but well above 2020 levels.

In addition, the number of reported deaths associated with the summer surge in Delta variants continues to increase across Virginia, according to the latest data from the Virginia Department of Health.

The average of seven-day new cases in northern Virginia fell by about 1% this week to 470.4 per day. However, this is more than double the 7-day average for this date in 2020.

For the state as a whole, the 7-day average has fallen by more than 10% over the past week to 3,238.3 per day, almost three times the September 24, 2020 average. According to the Department of Health, the number of states is slightly influenced by central agencies. Virginia, which mistakenly reported 700 new cases on September 8, the date when the total number of reported new cases in the state actually reached its highest level since February 6, was removed this week. I did.

Hospitalizations for the treatment of COVID-19 also declined slightly this week, reaching 2,106 patients as of Friday. This was down from 2,174 last Friday, when a record 621 COVID patients were being treated in the intensive care unit. However, the state-wide hospitalizations a year before the vaccine became available still more than doubled. Hospitalization dropped to 195 in early July.

And this week, the state reported 269 new COVID-related deaths. This is the highest since the week leading up to March 12. , Loudoun County and Manassa Spark City.

Northern Virginia Data by Region (September 24, 2021)

Source: Virginia Health Department

Origin Case hospitalization Dead (number) New case of the week Last week’s new case
Alexandria 13,513 598 143 177 231
Arlington 17,571 894 262 232 294
Fairfax 87,356 4,209 1,150 1,275 1,316
Fairfax city 626 48 19 6 8
Falls church 510 twenty one 8 8 9
Loudon 32,308 1,159 288 654 553
Manassas 4,761 206 49 74 84
Manassa Spark 1,257 70 12 Five 3
Prince William 51,906 1,906 535 862 833
total 209,808 9,111 2,466 3,293 3,331
Jurisdiction of other areas
County / city Case hospitalization Dead (number) New case of the week New case of the week
Fredericksburg 2,802 111 twenty five 94 104
Spotsylvania 13,501 401 138 489 566
Stafford 14,696 432 94 357 424
Fauquier 6,301 260 77 166 231
Culpeper 5,918 200 71 213 186

The average of 7-day new cases in northern Virginia is below the average for all four other regions of Virginia. All of these areas are less resident, but the number of cases is declining in all areas.

  • Southwest: 822
  • Eastern: 732
  • Northwest: 681
  • Center: 533

in the meantime, Updated data on selected outbreaks across the state Only one new outbreak was ongoing at Fair Oaks Manor Care Health Services in northern Virginia, with two to four cases reported to the health department on September 8.

  • The Burke Health & Rehabilitation Center currently reports 30 confirmed cases (up from 5 last week) and 1 to 4 deaths.
  • Harmony at Spring Hill, 9 confirmed cases (up from 8 last week) and 1 to 4 deaths.

(For privacy reasons, the health department does not provide an exact number of outbreak cases or deaths for less than 5 people.)

This week, a new outbreak was reported at the Minnie Land Academy in England Run, Stafford County. This is a day care facility with 8 positive cases.

Of the Ministry of Health Dashboard Tracking the number of breakthrough infections, between January 17 and September 18, 7,537 cases were reported and 26 died in fully vaccinated people in northern Virginia. .. Over 26,900 such infections have been reported throughout the state, and only a small percentage of the nearly 410,000 overall cases reported during that time.

According to data, unvaccinated people are 7.4 times more likely to develop COVID-19 and 7.2 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people, according to the Ministry of Health.

According to the state, the pace of vaccination across the state has dropped slightly to 13,600 per day. State vaccination dashboard.. Vaccinations were low at 11,000 times a day in early July, but high at 86,000 times a day in late March.

As of Friday, Virginia citizens have been vaccinated more than 10.48 million times, with 71.2% of the adult population and 59.8% of the total population fully vaccinated.

The average positive rate for the diagnostic COVID-19 test generally fell this week across the state and northern Virginia. The state rate was below 10%. This is because experts believe that above 10%, the spread of the virus becomes uncontrollable and not all cases are captured. A rate of less than 5% generally indicates that the spread of the virus is controlled.

7-day average positive test rate by health district (September 24, 2021)

Source: Virginia Health Department

Health district peak Low Current tendency
Alexandria 40.1% / April 23, 2020 0.8% / July 3rd 3.0% under
Arlington 42.8% / April 20, 2020 0.3% / June 22 3.1% under
Fairfax 38.6% / April 22, 2020 0.7% / July 1st and 2nd 4.3% under
Loudon 27.9% / April 28, 2020 0.5% / June 20, 21, 22, 23 5.8% Up
Prince William 36.7% / April 18, 2020 1.1% / June 20 6.8% under
Rappahannock 19.2% / January 7 1.3% / June 20 12.8% Up
State-wide 20.6% / April 22, 2020 1.3% / June 25 9.5% under

Latest COVID19 data

New cases / deaths (7 days until Friday, September 24)

  • Northern Virginia: 3,293 new cases (down from 3,331 last week). 10 new deaths (down from 16 last week)

  • State-wide: 22,668 new cases (down from 25,370 last week), 269 new deaths (up from 206 last week)

  • State-wide test: 145,817 PCR diagnostic test results (down from 182,111 last week)

Overall total

  • Northern Virginia: 209,808 cases, 2,466 dead

  • State-wide: 849,865 cases, 12,511 dead

  • State-wide testing: 9.12 million PCR diagnostic tests (12.54 million including antibody and antigen testing)

  • Cases of pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C): 85 (including 14 at Fairfax, 11 at Prince William, 2 at Loudon and Alexandria, and 1 at Arlington). This week, one new case was reported across the state.

* Provided by Virginia Department of Health.. The Health Department’s COVID-19 data is updated every morning (Monday to Friday) by 10 am and includes reports from local health agencies by 5 pm the day before.

State-wide hospital data (as of Friday, September 24)

  • Hospitalization: 2,106 (decreased from 2,174 on September 17)

  • Peak hospitalization: 3,209 reached January 13

  • ICU patients: 557 (decreased from 621 on September 17-most ever)

  • Discharged patients: 66,371 (925 this week)

* Provided by Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association

For updated national and international COVID-19 data, Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Dashboard..

Editor’s Note: InsideNoVa provides COVID-19 updates on a regular weekly basis. For daily reports, Virginia Department of Health COVID-19 Dashboard..





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