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Why you need to get a flu shot again this year


November 10, 2021- Influenza vaccination Much less effective than the COVID-19 vaccine, causing more side effects, targeting most surviving infections, and influenza killing only a small percentage of those who die coronavirus..

So do I need to get a flu shot this year?

Health experts say the short answer is yes.

They point out three main reasons recommended by federal health authorities. Influenza vaccination For everyone over 6 months:

  1. Vaccines are the most effective way to protect yourself and others from the flu. 36,000 Americans Influenza-related complications each year.
  2. The side effects from the shot Very rare and usually mild-Mainly pain, headache, fever, nausea, muscle aches, malaise where the needle stuck in the skin.
  3. With COVID-19 Soaring in the coming weeks Americans travel and gather during the winter holidays, so this year is not the year at risk of being hospitalized for the flu and other preventable illnesses.

“It’s really important to reduce the risk of getting the flu, which is what the flu vaccine does.” Riana Wen says, MD, Ph.D. in Emergency Medicine and Professor of Public Health Policy at George Washington University. “This is especially important this year, when we can face the confluence of influenza and COVID-19 very often.”

She states that flu shots and COVID-19 vaccines do not protect only those who receive them.

“Vaccination against both influenza and COVID protects us from both and reduces the chances of these viruses spreading to others,” said the newly published book Lifelines: A Doctor’s Journey in the Wen, author of Fight for Public Health, said.

Gronval’s teeth, MD, an infectious disease specialist at the John’s Hopkins Health Security Center, agrees that it is important to be vaccinated against the flu this year, which could lead to other life-threatening illnesses such as: I point out that there is. pneumonia,kill Tens of thousands American every year.

Gronval, an immunology and associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said: “Speaking of people who were actually hospitalized when they were just 30 years old with the flu and pneumonia, they can lead to additional unpleasant illnesses.”

If you’re worried about getting a flu shot this year, here’s a breakdown of what you need to know.

Why influenza vaccinations have different effects

Influenza viruses are constantly changing and evolving, so we need an influenza vaccine with a different composition each year. Approximately 144 national influenza centers in more than 110 countries conduct annual influenza surveillance and determine annual vaccine prescriptions.

CDC works with global health authorities Track and identify which strain Based on that surveillance, people are sick and vaccine manufacturers recommend varieties that should be included in this season’s flu shots.

As a result, the effectiveness of influenza vaccination varies from year to year, dropping to only 43% during the 2019-2020 flu season, for example.

In contrast, the COVID-19 virus Delta variantHas appeared since the beginning of Pandemic.. As a result, vaccines developed to target the coronavirus did not require new formulations. At least not yet.

All three COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in the United States are highly effective. 86% to 95% -Use boosters recently recommended by federal authorities to maintain these levels of effectiveness.

“NS [flu] Shots are not as effective as the COVID vaccine. This is because we need to collate with circulating strains of influenza each year, and sometimes the collation doesn’t work, ”Gronvall explains. “You can be hit by a virus that the vaccine is not designed to protect.”

There are several factors that determine whether a flu vaccine is good or bad.

The first is timing. It takes about 6 months for the vaccine manufacturer to vaccinate and ship the flu every year. New influenza strains may emerge during vaccine production. This means that annual injections cannot prevent it.

Second, the FDA requires the influenza vaccine virus to grow in chicken. egg Or cell. However, some strains do not grow well in eggs, making the development of effective vaccines a challenge.

These factors help explain why the flu vaccine was the only one 19% It is valid from 2014 to 2015, but it is about 60% valid from 2010 to 2011. (In other words, between 2014 and 2015, 19% fewer adults had the flu compared to unvaccinated people, but between 2010 and 2011, that percentage was 60%. was.)

Still, flu shots prevent millions of illnesses and flu doctors seeing each year.

CDC, for example, During last year’s flu season The vaccine prevented an estimated 7.5 million flu illnesses, 3.7 million flu-related medical visits, 105,000 hospitalizations and 6,300 deaths.

“Even in years of disagreement, influenza vaccination reduces the risk of hospitalization and death from illness, which is always a good idea,” said Gronnvall.

Studies have also shown that influenza vaccination reduces the severity of illness and the risk of death in people who are vaccinated and still Recent research Vaccinated adults were found to be 26% less likely to be admitted to the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) and 31% less likely to die from influenza than unvaccinated adults. rice field.

NS Second study found More powerful results show that vaccinated adults hospitalized for influenza are 59% less likely to be admitted to the ICU than unvaccinated adults.

In addition, studies have shown that vaccinations include children, pregnant women, people with heart disease, and lung conditions ( Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Diabetes, and other chronic health problems.

Another factor to consider is the surroundings, including those who are vulnerable to serious flu illnesses, such as babies and toddlers, the elderly, and people with certain chronic health conditions by being vaccinated. Is to protect people.

Influenza vs. COVID-19 Vaccine: Risks and Benefits

Despite these facts, only about half of Americans are vaccinated against the flu each year.

One reason: fear of side effects. It is true that influenza vaccines cause more negative side effects and allergic reactions than COVID-19 shots, but they are very rare.

Influenza vaccines cause mild reactions in some people. More serious allergic reactions to influenza vaccination can occur, but they are rare and usually not life-threatening. They usually occur in people who are allergic to vaccine ingredients such as egg protein and other ingredients.

Influenza vaccines may also be involved, according to a CDC study Giran-Bale syndrome in 1 or 2 cases per million vaccinated people. However, this rate is much lower than the risk of serious complications from influenza and can be prevented with the flu vaccine.

In contrast, Clinical trials Continuing research on the COVID-19 vaccine has shown that potential negative side effects are extremely rare. Pfizer-BioNTech and Modern RNA vaccines “appear” to cause a treatable allergic reaction with anaphylaxis, epinephrine, and may be associated with mild cardiac inflammation in young adults. Some rare cases.. As a result, the CDC requires that everyone be monitored at the vaccination site for 15 minutes after injection and for 30 minutes for anyone with a history of severe allergies. The FDA has put a warning label on the vaccine for possible heart inflammation.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is associated with a small number of rare cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome and treatable blood coagulation disorders.

However, health experts say these side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are extremely rare, and the risks do not outweigh the benefits, especially given the fact that more than 7.5 billion injections have been made worldwide. I am.428 million times in the US alone (% of 59 population)-according to Johns Hopkins University.

Regarding the viewpoint, More than 5 million people worldwide have died from COVID-19, with more than 754,000 deaths in the United States.

What can you expect this year?

Looking to the future, CDC There are some differences Influenza season from 2021 to 2022.

For one thing, all influenza vaccines are designed to protect against four viruses (two influenza A strains and two influenza B strains).

Authorities say they can get the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time.

So far, seasonal influenza activity in the United States has been low, but the number of cases reported by the Institute of Public Health has begun to increase in recent weeks, and this trend may continue as winter vacation approaches. .. CDC report.

Health professionals say this year’s flu season will be tougher than last year, more people will travel, relax COVID-19 precautions, spend less time evacuating at home, and stay away from others. I expect to be able to keep it.

In 2019-2020, the United States experienced one of the following: The mildest flu season in history As a result of all Hand wash, Avoid crowds, And wearing a mask brought by COVID-19.

about 700 Americans According to the CDC, 22,000 people died from the flu the previous year and 34,000 two seasons ago.

Fortunately, the same precautions that help prevent COVID-19 can also help control the spread of the flu. Therefore, if Americans continue these practices, this year’s flu season could be milder than usual.

Bad News: Last year’s mild flu season has caused vaccine researchers to use less data than usual to create this year’s flu vaccine. It may increase the likelihood of a poorer vaccine match.

Influenza could be even more prevalent this season, as fewer Americans are taking COVID-19 precautions and more are returning to pre-pandemic activities.

CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD says it’s because of the unpredictability of the upcoming flu season Everyone 6 You must be vaccinated for at least a few months after birth.

“If you’re not sure about getting the flu vaccine, take the time to make the right choices for your health and get the information you need to get the flu vaccine,” she said recently. Inoculation kickoff “said at a virtual press conference. Sponsored by the CDC and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NFID).

“The COVID-19 pandemic is not over. The risk of both influenza and COVID-19 circulation can put additional strain on hospitals and front-line healthcare professionals.”

Dr. William Schaffner says it’s not time to relax our vigilance, despite last year’s mild flu season.

“While flu activity was historically low during the 2020-2021 flu season, flu activity could surge this season due to mitigation of the COVID-19 mitigation strategy, increased travel, and reopening of schools and businesses. There is. “ Schaffner, He is also the NFID Medical Director. “The best way to protect yourself from the flu is to get the flu vaccine every year. Even if flu vaccination does not completely prevent the infection, it will reduce the duration and severity of the illness and cause serious problems such as hospitalization and death. Helps prevent flu complications. “

For more information, see the CDC Primer for Seasonal Influenza Vaccines. here..





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