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Switch to a plant-based diet lidman for chronic migraine


By Robert Preidt and Ernie Mundell
Health Day Reporter

Thursday, November 19, 2021 (HealthDay News) – People who live chronically Migraine Suffering from intense throbbing and pulsation, sensitivity to light and sound, Nausea and vomiting..

Can a plant-based diet, which has been shown to have a variety of positive health effects, also help relieve these chronic symptoms?


Researchers in New York have published a case study of a man who suffered from severe chronic migraine headaches and switched to a plant-based diet after trying everything to control them-a lot of darkness. Is clogged Green leafy vegetables..

He soon found an important remedy from headache, Doctors reported online in the journal on November 18th BMJ case report..

“This report suggests that an all-food plant-based diet may provide a safe, effective and lasting treatment for reversing chronic migraine headaches,” specializes in nutritional medicine. , Written by a team led by Dr. David Dunayev, a personal practitioner at East Setau Kit. ,New York

One of the unrelated migraine experts in the study was cautiously optimistic about the findings.

“It’s hard to make many from one case report, [but] It demonstrates the importance of all these non-pharmacological and evidence-based treatments, “said Dr. Noah Rosen, who heads the Northwell Health Headache Center in Great Neck, New York.

As researchers have pointed out, more than a billion people worldwide suffer from migraine headaches, defined as migraine headaches, sometimes with a variety of other symptoms, lasting 4 to 72 hours.

Some migraine headaches are temporary and occur in less than 15 days a month. Others are chronic and are characterized by migraine headaches on the 8th day of the month, in addition to migraine headaches of 15 days or more per month.

For migraine treatment to be considered successful, the frequency and length of attacks should be reduced by half or the symptoms should be improved.

A 60-year-old man whose experience is detailed in the report has endured severe migraine headaches without aura for over 12 years. Six months before his clinic referral, his migraine headaches became chronic and occurred everywhere between the 18th and 24th of every month.

He tried many potential modifications, including prescribed medications Zolmitriptan When Topiramate..He also cut out potential “trigger” foods, including: chocolate, cheese,nuts, caffeine, And dried fruits.Beyond this, the guy also tried yoga When meditation To suppress the attack.

None of those interventions worked.

Man explained pain It started suddenly and violently from the forehead and temples on the left side of his head, throbbing. His migraine headache usually lasted 72 hours and included light and sound hypersensitivity, nausea and vomiting. The severity of his pain ranged from 10 to 12 out of 10 scales.

He did not have a high level of systemic inflammation But had the normal level of beta carotene In him blood, Probably because he ate sweet potato every day. Sweet potatoes are relatively low in food nutrients known as carotenoids, have anti-inflammatory properties, and have anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidant Property, author explained.

Leafy vegetables such as spinach, Kale And watercress NS However, it does contain high levels of carotenoids.

So Rosen’s team advised men to adopt a LIFE diet of hypoinflammatory foods. It is a nutritious, all-food, plant-based diet. Regimen eat at least 5 ounces of raw or cooked dark green leafy vegetables daily, drink one 32 ounces of green LIFE smoothie daily, with whole grains, starchy vegetables, oils, animal proteins, especially dairy products. Lean meat.

Two months after the diet, the man said his migraine headaches were dramatically reduced-until only one migraine day a month, and even that headache wasn’t so bad.

At the same time, his blood tests showed a substantial increase in beta-carotene levels.

Immediately, the man stopped taking all migraine medications. His migraine headache stopped completely after three months and has not recurred after seven and a half years.

Men are allergic, and previously published studies suggest that better management of allergies may also lead to a reduction in migraine headaches. In this case, allergic symptoms in men have improved, and it is no longer necessary to use seasonal medicines.

He is also HIV positive and HIV is associated with an increased risk of migraine. The authors said that HIV status in men and antiretroviral drugs may have contributed to his symptoms, but it was not possible to further study this without discontinuing antiretroviral treatment. ..

“While this report describes one highly loyal patient with a marked response, the LIFE diet reduced the frequency of migraine headaches within three months in a few more patients.” Added Dunaief.

“There have been some studies showing the benefits of proper diet and the role of migraine,” Rosen said.

Properly hydrated, healthy “low glycemic” diets, and high intakes of omega 3 fatty acids (as found in oily fish) have all been shown to have a positive effect on migraine control. He said it has been.

In addition to diet, psychological interventions such as sleep, regular exercise, and “cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and progressive muscle relaxation” may help, Rosen said.

For more information

For more information on migraine headaches American Migraine Foundation.

sauce: BMJ Case Report, News Release, November 18, 2021





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