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UK contact tracer was only able to deal with 5 people a week before the scheme was deleted in March


According to official papers, UK contact tracers could only handle five people per week until the plan was discontinued in March.

The program might have been able to increase its capacity to 50 people a week, which required a few minutes of stress testing from a sage show by a government science adviser.

Records are from the 18 February meeting. Two days later, deleting contact tracking was considered “wise” because of low capacity.

Contact tracking ended on March 12 and started again this week.

What you need to know about unlocking lockdown

After the program was discontinued in March, Boris Johnson told the British to self-isolate for seven days, even in calm cases Coronavirus Symptoms.

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As NHS Test and Trace is deployed throughout the UK, samples are taken at the Coronavirus Test Facility at Temple Green Park and Ride in Leeds. (Danny Lawson / PA wire / PA image)

The minutes of Sage said: “Currently, PHE can handle 5 new cases per week (800 contacts separation required).

“Modeling suggests that this capacity could be increased to 50 cases per week (8,000 contact isolations), but this assumption needs to be stress tested with PHE’s operations team.

“Contact tracking is no longer useful if there is a persistent infection in the UK.”

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Mitch Wilkins is being tested at the COVID-19 drive-through test facility at Edinburgh Airport as Nicolas Sturgeon is considering lifting the lockdown restrictions starting May 28 (PA).

The government’s test coordinator told lawmakers this week that the government abandoned the test plan after a forecast of 1 million Covid-19s across the UK and the decision was made by the minister.

David Spiegelhalter suggests that the UK can be given a coronavirus risk score to help safely mitigate lockdowns

Professor John Newton said: “The advice from the modelers is that we expect 1 million cases to occur in the UK in the short term. If there are 1 million cases, of course there is no way we can pursue a Korean model. is.

“At that time, the government decided to move to lockdown as the most appropriate response to epidemiology in the UK at the time.”

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Soldiers perform coronavirus test (Getty Images)

Contact trace Help government and health authorities Understand and isolate virus spread more efficiently.

The government recently hired 25,000 contact tracers to call anyone who had contact with someone who tested positive and insisted that they be self-isolated for 14 days.

But the new scheme is Concerns raised Local authorities have revealed that they will only finish plans to control outbreaks in the area at the end of June.

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Laboratory coronavirus sample (Getty Images)

And the app designed to complement the tracer has been postponed, but also asked a question About its safety..

The head of the NHS provider, which represents the NHS hospitals, said the country was “weekly late” as it should be.

Chris Hopson added, “We still have a long way to go to build a system that fits the goals we need.”


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