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Doctors warn of abnormal symptoms affecting the eyes that may be a sign of Omicron


A doctor Warns that abnormal eye symptoms may be a lesser-known sign of coronavirus Omicron Mutant.

When Covid first began to spread, people were told to notice three classic symptoms, but new mutations led to the appearance of other symptoms.

The three main indicators of Covid-19 are high temperature, new continuous cough, and loss or change of smell or taste.

However, unlike other variants, Omicron exhibits symptoms that are manifested in different parts of the body, According to the mirror..

The subspecies’ symptoms are described as mild and similar to the symptoms of a common cold, but the new strain of Omicron has several other indicators, including those that cause pain. eye..

Here’s what you need to know about the new Omicron symptoms revealed by GP Dr Nina Aslam:

Dr. Aslam said Express A surprising omicron symptom that can appear in the eyes is conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis or pink eye is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin film that lines the inside of the eyelids.

Conjunctivitis is a new symptom of Omicroncovid.
Conjunctivitis is a new symptom of Omicroncovid.
(Image: Getty Images / iStockphoto)

The lesser-known signs of the virus were first seen in March 2020 at the age of 29.

Women who suffered from “severe cases of conjunctivitis” had a positive coronavirus test, although respiratory symptoms were minimal.

Dr. Aslam explains how the virus targets the eye, saying that “there are cell receptors in the eye that the Covid mutant invades.”

She also added that preliminary research revealed that Omicron may be more capable of affecting the eyes than other varieties.

This symptom can appear in otherwise asymptomatic individuals.

The GP advised to keep the eyes clean and protect them by quickly treating red eyes and secretions.

She states: “Wipe the crust from each eye using another clean cotton wool pad soaked in chilled boiling water.”

For mild conjunctivitis infections, certain eye drops or ointments can be used as treatment.

The common symptoms of Omicron differ from the three classic signs of coronavirus.
The common symptoms of Omicron differ from the three classic signs of coronavirus.
(Image: Getty Images)

What are the main symptoms of Omicron?

According to a study by ZOE Covid, the general signs of Omicron are:

  • Throat dries / scratches

  • snot

  • sneeze

  • Mild muscle pain

  • Malaise

Other reported signs of atypical include congestion, brain fog, skin rash, conjunctivitis, nausea or vomiting, and some people also experience sleep paralysis and night sweats.

Most recently, a Berlin hospital has revealed that fainting spells can also be a sign of the virus.

There are also certain symptoms that require urgent medical attention. The CDC has asked people to pay attention to pale, gray, or blue skin, lips, or nail beds. This may indicate that oxygen levels in the blood are worryingly low.

Dr. Anqelique Coetzee, who first warned new variants in southern Africa, warned that unvaccinated people may experience more severe symptoms such as headaches and muscle aches.

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