Sixth and seventh suspected monkeypox cases identified in Sacramento County

Sixth and seventh possible cases of monkeypox have been identified in Sacramento County, health officials said Thursday. However, these two additional cases are unrelated to the first five cases in the county and are also related to travel in the United States rather than Europe. The two latest cases occur after authorities announced the fifth suspicious case on June 7, stating about three dozen. Close contact with these cases was vaccinated. Contact tracking of two cases has begun. It’s unclear if the two new ones are related to each other, and how many people may have been exposed to these incidents, but county public health officials still believe the risk to the public is low. Said that. The previous five cases are associated with the first case resulting from a person who recently traveled to Europe. The first case of California in Sacramento County was first reported by a healthcare provider on May 21st. Video below | Sack County Public Health Officer explains monkeypox contact tracing The county shares new cases on its website here. County officials said last week that 30 close associates received the monkeypox vaccine, which must be ordered from the CDC. Symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and malaise. Patients can also develop a rash after a few days, which often begins on the face and spreads to other parts of the body. It can cause lesions. The illness can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Some people only develop a rash as the first symptom. | Related | Doctors are discussing facts about monkeypox in the second suspected case in Sacramento County. Case. Monkeypox virus can be transmitted when a person comes into contact with an animal, human, or a substance such as clothing or bedding contaminated with the virus. The virus can enter the body through lesions of the skin, airways, or mucous membranes such as the eyes, mouth, and nose. In rare cases, inhalation of droplets can cause monkeypox, Vanessa Walker of the Pulmonary Medicine Associates added. When in close contact with them, those large droplets can get into your mouth, eyes, etc., and then you can get it, “Dr. Walker said. To pay attention to the symptoms. “We just check for rashes that may fit the characteristics of monkeypox,” Walker said. “Anyone who has any kind of rash, a new rash for them, it’s not what they had before-really you should report it to their doctor.” Kasirye said monkeypox He emphasized that it is not as contagious as COVID-19. For example, she said she needed to be in contact with someone in the same space for at least three hours to be considered exposed. Still, monkeypox cases more than doubled last week across the United States. As of Wednesday, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported 84 cases of monkeypox or a family of viruses including monkeypox, monkeypox or orthopoxvirus, in 18 states, as well as Washington, DC. First identified in 1958, it was found primarily in Central and West African countries. Occasional outbreaks in the United States, including 47 potentially identified imported monkeypox in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin in 2003. The World Health Organization is considering whether to call this outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, CNN reported. “I think it’s clear that there is an unusual situation, that is, even the virus behaves differently than before,” Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Gebreez Tedros said on Tuesday. “But not only that, we believe that it is affecting more and more countries and that some coordinated response is needed due to its geographical spread.” From 39 countries. Year.
Sixth and seventh possible cases of monkeypox have been identified in Sacramento County, health officials said Thursday. However, these two additional cases are unrelated to the first five cases in the county and are also related to travel in the United States rather than Europe.
The last two cases have come after officials Announced the fifth suspicious case On June 7, he stated that nearly three dozen intimate contacts in these cases were vaccinated.
Two cases of contact tracing have started. It is unknown if the two new ones are related to each other and the number of people who may have been exposed to these cases.
However, county public health officials said they still believed the risk to the public was low.
The previous 5 cases First case It comes from a person who recently traveled to Europe. The first case of California in Sacramento County was first reported by a healthcare provider on May 21st.
Video below | Sacramento public health officer discusses monkeypox contact tracing
The county shares a new case On this website..
Everyone previously identified as suspected of having monkeypox has a mild illness and is at home, said public health officer Dr. Olivia Kasilier.
County officials said last week that 30 close associates received the monkeypox vaccine, which must be ordered from the CDC.
Symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and malaise. Patients can also develop a rash after a few days, which often begins on the face and spreads to other parts of the body. It can cause lesions. The illness can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Some people only develop a rash as the first symptom.
| Related | Doctors discuss facts about monkeypox amid suspected second incident in Sacramento County
Kasirye said that every time someone gets infected with the virus, they start a new contact tracing process. So at least it could take another three weeks before the authorities find out that there are no new cases.
Monkeypox virus can be transmitted when a person comes into contact with an animal, human, or a substance such as clothing or bedding contaminated with the virus. The virus can enter the body through lesions of the skin, airways, or mucous membranes such as the eyes, mouth, and nose.
Dr. Vanessa Walker of the Pulmonary Medicine Associates added that inhalation of droplets can rarely cause monkeypox.
“If the person is very ill or may have pain in the mouth, they are talking to you and you are in very close contact with them, those large droplets Could get into your mouth, your eyes, or something. I was able to get it. “
Still, Walker added that it is important for people and their healthcare providers to be aware of their symptoms.
“We just make sure we’re paying attention to the rash that may fit the characteristics of monkeypox,” Walker said. “Anyone who has a rash of any kind, a new rash for them, it’s not what they had before-really you should report it to their doctor.”
Kasirye emphasizes that monkeypox is not as contagious as COVID-19. For example, she said she needed to be in contact with someone in the same space for at least three hours to be considered exposed.
Still, monkeypox cases more than doubled last week across the United States.
As of Wednesday Reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 84 cases of monkeypox or monkeypox or orthopox virus, a family of viruses including monkeypox, occurred on June 7 in 18 states as well as Washington, DC. Click here for details..
Monkeypox was first identified in 1958 and is found primarily in Central and West African countries.
In the United States, there were occasional cases in 2003 in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin, including 47 confirmed cases of possible imported prairie dogs.
The World Health Organization is considering whether to call this outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. CNN reported..
“I think it’s clear that there is an unusual situation, that is, even the virus behaves differently than before,” Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Gebreez Tedros said on Tuesday. “But not only that, we believe that it is affecting more and more countries and that some coordinated response is needed for its geographical spread.”
He said more than 1,600 cases have been identified so far this year from 39 countries and nearly 1,500 suspicious cases have been reported.
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