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Get measles jabs to stop disease spreading

Get measles jabs to stop disease spreading


Parents and carers are being urged to make sure their children are up-to-date with their MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations.

The call from Kent and Medway public health leaders, and the NHS, follows the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) declaring a national incident after measles outbreaks in the West Midlands and London.

The NHS has also launched a national catch-up campaign for missed MMR vaccines.

Measles is highly infectious and can lead to serious illness, including encephalitis – an infection of the brain. One in five children with the disease are hospitalised and, on rare occasions, measles can be fatal. Given the risks, when there is an outbreak, unvaccinated children have to stay away from school for three weeks.

Children are routinely offered the first dose of the MMR vaccine at one year and the second dose at three years and four months.

But UK MMR vaccination rates have dropped well below the 95% level the World Health Organisation says is needed to prevent outbreaks of the disease.

Nationally, rates for both doses, which safely and effectively provide protection for life, stands at 83.8%. It is the lowest for more than a decade – and UKHSA is warning cases could spread to other parts of the country unless more people get protected.

In Kent, coverage rates for children getting their first dose at five years stands at 92.1%. In Medway the figure is 89.7%. For those needing their second dose at age five coverage drops to 84.6% in Kent and 79.7% in Medway.

Parents and carers are asked to:

  • review your child’s Red Book health record to check they are up-to-date with their doses.
  • contact your GP, if you are still unsure.
  • if you do need to arrange catch up vaccinations, book an appointment at your GP surgery.

School-aged children

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust’s School (KCHFT) School-aged Immunisation Service is offering a MMR catch-up to all young people who have missed a first or second dose.

Years 8 and 11:

  • Year 8 and 11 Pupils due to have a scheduled vaccine can also get a MMR vaccine at school at the same time.
  • Parents of Years 8 and 11 students will be contacted by KCHFT.

Other school-aged children, including those who are home educated:

  • Parents of all other children who have missed out on their MMR jabs pre-school, should book appointment in a community clinic through the School-aged Immunisations Team.
  • For contact details, visit the NHS KCHFT school-aged immunisations webpage.

Adults who missed out on MMR vaccinations are also being urged to get catch up jabs. This is particularly important for people who work in health or care or are at risk of complications should they get measles. This includes people with weakened immunity.

Adults who missed out on MMR should:

  • make sure you are protected, particularly before travelling overseas for the Easter break.
  • contact your GP to book a catch-up appointment if needed.

Anyone with symptoms of measles, including a high fever and blotchy red-brown rash, should:

  • stay at home, and
  • seek advice from your GP, or NHS 111, before visiting any NHS service.

Unvaccinated children who come into contact with someone who has measles are advised to stay at home for 21 days.

Important that children have both doses

NHS Kent and Medway Medical Director Dr Kate Langford said: “The MMR vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine, protecting you against measles, mumps and rubella.

“Getting vaccinated is important, because these conditions can also lead to serious problems that can even include meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy.

“It’s important that children have both doses – without this, you won’t be benefiting from the protection it offers and will put your children and their friends at risk.”

Effective and safe vaccination

Medway Council’s Director of Public Health, James Williams, said: “Measles is an unpleasant illness which can lead to serious complications. The disease can be prevented as we have a very effective and safe vaccine (MMR).

“Ensuring that you and your loved ones, in particular children and young people, are vaccinated against measles, will keep them safe and protect others who may be at greater risk if they become infected. Take time today to check whether everyone in your household is up to date with their vaccinations. It is never too late to get vaccinated.”

Never too late to catch up

Kent County Council Deputy Director of Public Health, Dr Ellen Schwartz, said:Vaccination is our best defence against measles. It’s safe and effective, providing life-long protection. It’s also free on the NHS and, whatever your age, it’s never too late to catch up.

“For full protection, everyone, irrespective of age, should have both doses of MMR. Having the complete course of vaccine also reduces the chances a young child has to miss out on valuable time at school and parents need weeks off work to care for them.”

To find out more about vaccinations visit the NHS website.




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