Better prevention is needed to reduce cancer rates among young people, experts say
Before Nina di Santo was diagnosed with the disease, she thought colon cancer only affected older, obese men.
She had expressed concerns to her GP about symptoms such as fatigue and irregular bowel habits.
At the time, she was a shift-working mother of three in her late 30s, so none of this raised any immediate red flags.
She was only diagnosed when she returned to her GP with rectal bleeding.
“When I put it all together, I realized what was going on,” she said.
Nina's case is classified as an “early-onset” cancer because she was under 50 when she was diagnosed.
Over the past 30 years, doctors and researchers have noticed an increase in the rate at which people under the age of 50 are being diagnosed with cancer.
The issue has been put in the spotlight following revelations by Kate, Princess of Wales. Diagnosed with unspecified form of cancer After abdominal surgery.
Oncologist Ranjana Srivastava said she has noticed an increase in the number of patients in their 30s and 40s. This is a sight that was rarely seen 15 years ago.
“We're seeing more young patients with progressive disease,” she says.
Some cancers that are increasing among people under age 50 are those related to the digestive system.
According to data collected by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in 2000 around 2% of colorectal cancers were diagnosed in people under 40 years of age.
Last year it was 6%.
Additionally, a Cancer Council study that analyzed more than 10 types of cancer, including cancers affecting the bowel, liver, breast and thyroid, found that the incidence of obesity-related cancers in Australia was the highest for people born in 1983. It was found that the number of children born in 1983 was almost four times that of people born in 1983. 1940s.
we need to change the way we live
Doctors believe one of the main factors may be related to lifestyle.
Dr. Srivastava said excessive alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, obesity, smoking, not getting enough exercise and a poor diet high in processed foods can all be contributing factors.
“What we eat and stress affect our gut microbiome,” says Dr. Srivastava.
“We don't know exactly how this happens. The human body is very humble in its complexity, but I think we need to pay more attention to lifestyle factors than ever before. .”
This is also the belief of Bowel Cancer Society Australia CEO Julian Wiggins, who said around 10 per cent of all bowel cancer cases are now in people under 50.
“Globally, it is estimated that 25% of rectal cancers and approximately 10-12% of colon cancers will be diagnosed in people under the age of 50 over the next 10 years,” he said. Stated. He said.
Dr. Srivastava believes more needs to be done when it comes to prevention.
She wants stronger policies and regulations to make it easier for people to eat healthier and reduce their consumption of sugary and highly processed foods.
“As a medical oncologist who sees more and more young people getting cancer, and of course more and more older people, I believe that cancer prevention requires a whole-systems approach.”
Barriers that prevent young people from receiving a diagnosis
A recent study conducted at Macquarie University's Australian Institute for Health Innovation shows that it can take between three months and five years for people under the age of 50 to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer.
Mr Wiggins said if GPs decide a patient is too young to have bowel cancer, the final diagnosis could be delayed.
“Delays in diagnosis and treatment mean poor prognosis,” he says.
“Youth should not be a barrier to timely diagnosis.”
When a young person is diagnosed with cancer, it often also comes with additional social and economic pressures.
In such cases, conversations between the medical team and the patient address not only treatment but also issues related to fertility, employment, superannuation, and childcare.
That is certainly the case for Nina Di Santo, who is currently living with stage 4 colon cancer.
“I have no idea what's going to happen around the corner, but I'm hopeful,” she said.
“There is a lot of research being done, and we hope to see a lot of changes, not only in people who are newly diagnosed with colorectal cancer, but also in people who are currently living with colorectal cancer. .”
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