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Experts blame new research linking baby screening time to autism-like symptoms


A new controversial study suggests that babies’ screen exposure at the age of 12 months is associated with the development of late childhood autism spectrum disorder (ASD) -like symptoms . Experts unrelated to the study blame the study as “fatal flaws,” “misleading,” and potentially “harmful.”

“The literature is rich in studies showing the benefits of parent-infant interaction in late childhood development and the link between larger screen display and delayed development,” said the first author of the new study. Explains Karen F. Heffler. “Our research extends this earlier work by associating early social and screen media experiences with later ASD-like symptoms.”

This study examined data from the National Children’s Study (NCS), a multicenter epidemiology project that explores the relationship between child development and environmental impacts. A cohort of 2,152 children was investigated.

Screen display frequency was evaluated using two data points from NCS. At 12 months of age, parents were asked if their child would watch TV or DVD, and at 18 months of age, they were asked to estimate the time for their child to watch TV or DVD. At age 2, the symptoms of ASD were measured in children using a scale called the M-CHAT (Autistic Autism Checklist for Infants).

A new study found that children who watched TV or DVD at 12 months of age were 4.2% more likely to have ASD-like symptoms at 24 months. Conversely, this study investigated the proportion of daily play, and children who played with their parents every day were more likely to develop ASD-like symptoms at 24 months, compared to children who played with their daily parents. Discovered 8.9% less.

It is important to note that this study found that there was no association between hours of 18-month screen time per day and 24-month ASD-like symptoms. We also found that reading daily to children at the age of 12 months was not associated with a reduction in ASD-like symptoms at 24 months.

The lead author of the study, David Bennett, said these findings enhance the importance of parent-child play time compared to screen time. The authors of this study also recommend that parents avoid exposing their children under 18 months to screening, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Many experts unrelated to this new study Represents a surprise This type of research has passed peer review and has been published in a legitimate journal. James Cusack, science director of the British charity Autistica, argues that the study’s claims are “absurd” about the relationship between viewing time and ASD symptoms.

“First of all, the impact of screen time observed in the survey is small,” explains Cusack. “Second, the tools used to observe the effects are not particularly effective at detecting autism. Third, this scale is used at age 2. At this age, the growth of children The rates are different and it has proven difficult to accurately diagnose autism. “

Cusack suggests that the study is “useless” and can cause unnecessary concerns in families worried about the effects of screens on children.

“Scientists and journal editors have to do a better job of helping their families than this,” says Cusack. “Family shouldn’t worry that allowing young children to see the screen causes autism. It would be ridiculous to reach this conclusion based on this evidence.”

Andrew Przybylski, a scientist at Oxford University Important experience studied of Effect of time spent on childrenSuggests that this study is an example of a “failed peer review process.” He suggests a causal relationship between simply watching TV or DVD at 12 months of age and having ASD-like symptoms at 24 months, and much more than what is offered here. He points out that justification is needed.

“… There was no suggested or tested mechanism with data linking screens to autism,” says Przybylski. “Scientists“ Do children watch TV or DVDs? ”At 12 months after 6 months associated with major symptoms like autism [be] Their incumbent to do the research needed to investigate before publication. This was not done. “

In addition to noting how small the magnitude of the effect confirmed in this study was, and potentially clinically meaningless, Oxford University’s David Nunan questioned when this study would be published. There is.

“If you have anxious news headlines from this study, you might end up with a lot of annoying parents,” says Nunan. “This doesn’t help children and their families. It’s the current format to publish this study when nearly half the world, including millions of families and teachers, is in a blockade.” It’s ridiculous. I’m already worried about all these effects on the physical and mental health of children. “

Drexel University Press Release Announces Publication of Research in Journal JAMA PediatricsRecognizes its own timing, but the authors found that these discoveries were that many children were at home all day long during the pandemic of this coronavirus, with parents watching their children at home. It suggests that it is an important time to take on new responsibilities such as working. “

Uttafurs of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London result Not the symptoms like ASD Cause, Children who are uncomfortable with social interactions may increase screen-based behavior from an early age. Firth also adds to the chorus of concerns about the impact of this study on parents trapped in their homes with young children.

“If the paper gives me the” parents’ fault “meme, I’m afraid the paper will do harm,” Firth says.

New research published in journal JAMA Pediatrics.

Source: Drexel University

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