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Exercising in a polluted city is “bad” than doing nothing


Scientists say cycling and running in polluted cities can be worse for the heart than doing little or no exercise.

A new, controversial study argues that people who do regular intensive exercise have a 33% higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those who do nothing.

People in the most polluted areas suggest that training should be limited within 30 minutes of running or cycling five times a week.

It is already well known that regular exercise helps prevent heart and vascular disease, and that air pollution is detrimental to cardiovascular health.But so far, with the benefits of outdoor physical activity Danger of dirty air..

Korean researchers surveyed data on about 1.5 million people aged 20-39 who live in cities. They compared each participant’s self-reported exercise level at two separate time intervals, 2009-10 and 2011-12, and analyzed this against background contamination levels.

Scientists use measurements of physical activity called metabolic equivalent tasks minutes / week (MET-minutes / week) to enroll participants in 0, 1-499, 500-999, and over 1000 MET-minutes / week. Divided into 4 groups of the week.

The guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology recommend trying 500-999 MET-minutes / week. This can be achieved by running, cycling, hiking 5 times a week for 15-30 minutes, or walking 5 times a week for 30-60 minutes, doubling tennis, or slow cycling.

Dr. Kim Sung-le, who led the research at Seoul National University School of Medicine, said: “Young adults aged 20-39 years were at risk for cardiovascular disease such as stroke and heart attack, and the group with lower levels of exposure to air pollution had a reduced amount of physical activity during the two screening periods.

“However, in groups with high levels of exposure to air pollution, increasing the amount of physical activity above 1000 MET-min / week exceeds internationally recommended levels of physical activity and adversely affects cardiovascular health. May give.

“This is an important result, and unlike middle-aged people over the age of 40, excessive physical activity may not necessarily be beneficial to the cardiovascular health of young adults exposed to high levels of air pollution. It suggests that there is. “

High pollution was described as exceeding 49.92 micrograms per cubic meter of PM10 “coarse” particulate matter and exceeding 26.43 of PM2.5 “fine” particulate matter.

According to a report from the Mayor of London, the average level of both types of capital falls into the low category used in the South Korean survey, but PM10 pollution has a “high” threshold at 73 days and the EU’s short-term Last year, the legal limit was exceeded.

Independent scientists point out that South Korean studies focus on the relationship between heart health, exercise, and average pollution levels, rather than the risk of exercising on particularly high-contamination days. They also said that the 33% increased risk figure was close to, but just outside the “statistical significance” threshold.

This study is published in the European Heart Journal.


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