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Relieves seasonal allergies | News, sports, work


Dr. Nathaniel Hair

This spring brings warmer weather and awakenings in central and northern Pennsylvania from what many consider to be a harsh winter. Flowers, butterflies, fresh air. Unless you are suffering from allergies, it’s a beautiful time of the year. Suddenly, these spring signs become sneezing, coughing, sore throat, puffy, watery, imminent signs of red eyes. Spring allergies can cause havoc in your body. A better understanding of your allergies can help you find relief.

General spring allergies

The most common spring allergies are associated with changes that occur during the season. You don’t need to deal with pollen because the plants don’t grow much during the winter. After winter, the plants begin to grow again and the amount of pollen in the air increases. A common seasonal allergy, also known as hay fever, is usually associated with increased pollen counts.

Trees and flowers, along with weeds and grass, are the most common criminals. The worst criminals are plants and flowers that produce powdery pollen. Unlike some flowers, such as roses, which produce pollen, which is mainly carried by insects, flowers that contain powdery pollen send allergens to the environment each time the wind passes. Pollen is often a problem from late spring to summer.

A very pleasant spring breeze can also spread pollen in your neighborhood. Since pollen is carried by the wind, it is basically everywhere in spring and it is difficult to escape. In fact, the wind can carry pollen for miles, which can cause an allergic reaction to plants that are not nearby at the time.

Understand allergies

Allergic symptoms are the natural reaction of your body to invading microorganisms such as pollen, mites, animal dander, mold and food. When you encounter these particles, your body releases a chemical called histamine that attacks and destroys intruders.

Defensive attacks can occur in the form of watery eyes, runny nose or stuffy nose, coughing, wheezing, post-nasal drip, and loss of taste.

The severity of allergic symptoms in spring depends on several factors. The amount of pollen in the air is often a factor. On days when the pollen count is very high, you may notice more serious symptoms. Your body’s sensitivity level is also a factor. If you have recently come into contact with other allergens, that contact can affect how your body reacts to pollen in the air. Seasonal allergic reactions can lead to asthma and sinus infections, so it is best to control the symptoms prophylactically.

Find relief

It’s amazing that very small things can be very unpleasant to the body. If you can live in the foam throughout the spring, you may be able to avoid pollen. There is no practical way to avoid pollen altogether, but you can minimize allergic reactions and make your life a little more comfortable.

Try these methods of managing your allergies.

– Keep windows closed: Opening windows to take in fresh spring air is fun, but you’re also invited to all pollen that can cause an allergic reaction. Instead, keep the windows and doors of your house as closed as possible. This minimizes contact with pollen, at least while in the house. The same idea applies when diving.

– Wait for a damp day to come out: The amount of pollen in the air varies from day to day. If possible, avoid spending time outdoors on pollen-rich days. Your best bet is to spend time outside on a damp, cloudy day without wind, or after it rains.

– Filter air: Air filters help remove even small particles such as pollen and mold spores. Air filters can be used to minimize exposure to these allergens while in the house. HVAC units often have special allergy filter options that help remove particles. A self-supporting air purifier can also be used. Replace or clean the filters frequently to keep your machine running at its best.

– Have someone else handle the yardwork: Mowing, weeding, rakes, and other outdoor maintenance tasks can expose you to a huge number of allergens. Mowing and rakes agitate all of these allergens and expose them to even greater numbers. Leave those tasks to someone else in your family or hire a lawn care service to maintain your appearance.

– Take allergic medications: Even with precautions, you may experience an allergic reaction. When this happens, antihistamines or medications designed for allergies may minimize symptoms. Taking antihistamines on days with particularly high pollen levels may help minimize the effects of going outdoors.

If you’re having trouble finding a remedy, talk to your family doctor. Your provider can help you order tests to better understand your allergies and help you plan your management. If you need advanced treatment, you can also refer to an allergist or an otolaryngologist.

Dr. Nathaniel Hare is a UPMC allergist. He examines patients at 1705 Warren Ave., Suite 303, Williamsport. Call 570-320-7070 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hair. For more information, please visit

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