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Deliveroo driver beats customer. UK government cracks down on account sharing

Deliveroo driver beats customer.  UK government cracks down on account sharing


Delivery apps Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Just Eat have agreed to implement enhanced immigration checks for people who work as passengers on their apps, following pressure from the UK government.

The three platforms will step up their right-to-work checks as scrutiny grows over their account-sharing practices, which have led to high-profile incidents including the death of a 17-year-old boy and a rider biting a passenger. ignorance.

The purpose of this change is to identify and target alternative riders who have made deliveries to accounts held by others.

When you order food from Deliveroo, Uber Eats or Just Eat, there's a good chance that the delivery person won't match the account name you received when ordering.

Under UK law, self-employed workers can substitute other workers to perform their work. Companies like Deliveroo have long pointed to the law when asked about their practices.

But opponents say it opens up the opportunity for people who cannot legally work due to obstacles such as citizenship status or age to easily work shifts on the platform.

Michael Tomlinson, the UK's Minister for Countering Illegal Migration, has worked to crack down on the sharing of unverified accounts and said the meeting was a very positive step in the right direction.

Account sharing

The UK government's intervention comes as delivery platforms face significant pressure following a number of high-profile incidents involving alternative riders.

This has been highlighted in recent months by the case of Jennifer Rocha, who was sentenced to prison for biting the thumb of Deliveroo customer Stephen Jenkinson after a heated argument.

Rocha, who will be sentenced on Friday, delivered pizza to Jenkinson last December while working as a designated driver for another Deliveroo account.

Mr Jenkinson, a plumber, told the BBC he had lost his livelihood after the incident.

But Jenkinson couldn't go to Deliveroo and ask for compensation.

Rocha was legally able to work in the UK, but because she worked as a designated driver, Deliveroo could not be held legally responsible for her actions.

Financially I was ruined. I'm unemployed. I am in huge debt and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, Jenkinson told the BBC.

Activists have accused delivery platforms of turning a blind eye to the activities of designated drivers.

Previous investigations have shown that children were routinely working on the platforms, which led to the tragic end of one driver.

Leo, whose last name has not been revealed, started renting Deliveroo accounts from other riders when he was 15.

Leo died at the age of 17 while driving a rented motorcycle. He died after working for the company for two years, despite the minimum age for Deliveroo riders being 18.

A Deliveroo spokesperson said: “We are the first major platform to launch direct right-to-work verification, registration processes and identity verification technology to ensure that only delegates with the right to work continue to use our platform.”

We will continue to work closely with the Home Office and industry leaders to support efforts in this area.

Legal loopholes associated with the self-employment industry have created a Wild West for worker rights, especially on delivery platforms.

A 2021 analysis from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism found that a third of drivers earn less than minimum wage, with some earning as little as $2 an hour.

The government's crackdown may be part of the UK's anti-immigration crackdown ahead of this fall's general election.

In a press release, the government claimed that opportunities for illegal employment were one of the biggest inducements to illegal immigration to the UK.




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