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Residents of Hamilton County will be able to receive a free and quick home COVID-19 test through a new federal program.


Hamilton County residents can now test COVID-19 at home using a free, rapid COVID-19 test kit through a county-wide program called the “Say Yes! COVID Test.”

The program is First in the United States It also encourages residents to use the test three times a week, regardless of symptoms, to reduce the spread of COVID-19 throughout the community.

Participants are also encouraged to participate in the optional research component of the “Say Yes! COVID Test” project. This is an initiative of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health to complete a brief survey via the smartphone app. Experiences that help inform similar public health interventions in the future. After completing a thorough investigation, you will be eligible to receive a gift card of up to $ 50.

Researchers’ goals are to make COVID-19 testing quick and easy so that people can know if they are infected, and their personal knowledge is self-isolation until the end of the infection period, etc. It’s about promoting protective action and deciding if it will reduce it. Community communication.

Hamilton County is one of two counties in the program selected for its high levels of COVID-19 infection, the availability of public data needed to measure the success of the program, and the willingness of local governments. was. Partner with CDC and NIH.

Dr. Fernando Urego, Interim Health Officer at Hamilton County Health Department, is leading the local side of the project.

“Identifying infected individuals, especially asymptomatological individuals, helps reduce the spread of the virus. The SayYes! COVID Test initiative is a great opportunity for county residents to access free home test kits. “Urrego said. Press conference on Tuesday. An estimated 30% or more of people infected with COVID-19 show no obvious symptoms.

People at the highest risk of getting COVID-19, such as those who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine, those who work outside the home or attend school, are ideal candidates for participation. , Anyone over 8 years old can participate. We welcome your participation, according to a news release from the Department of Health.

Generally, only one kit is provided per household, and a total of 40,000 free kits can be picked up and delivered to residents’ homes throughout the county.

Urego said households with two or more people should choose the two with the highest risk of exposure for testing. He said large households may have access to multiple test kits.

“The best part of this is that you can test yourself and get your test results in the privacy of your own home,” Urrego said. Nostrils — Included in the kit and results ready in 10 minutes.

According to a news release from the Hamilton County Health Department, test maker Quidel is the same company that performed the first rapid flu test used in US clinics. Each test kit supports home tests three times a week for two household members for one month.

According to Urego, these rapid tests are about 86-87% more sensitive than the COVID-19 “gold standard” gene PCR tests.

“The more often we test, the more we have, so we asked people to test three times a week,” he said.

This test is designed to detect the presence of coronaviruses, including mutants, and tell people whether they are positive or negative. We recommend that you report the results to the health department or the website

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Staff Photo: Dan Henry / Chattanooga Times Free Press-6/22/15. Hamilton County Mayor Jim Copinger rejected the County Commission’s revised budget on June 22, 2015, after reviving the discretionary fund last Wednesday.

Hamilton County Mayor Jim Copinger said being able to partner with the CDC and NIH was “special” and “exciting.”

“This is a really big step forward for us, as it always reminds people that the pandemic isn’t over,” he said. Make it available in public so you don’t get sick. “

Mr Copinger said he was confident that the county could get 40,000 participants.

Residents of Hamilton County who wish to attend or have questions can visit the website to order a test kit for front door delivery or call the Hamilton County Health Department (423-209-8383). You can check the details.

The test kit can also be picked up locally at:

・ CEMPA community care

・ Chattanooga Market

Dodson and Southside Community Health Center

Hamilton County Health Department – ​​Third Street

・ Chattanooga Junior League

・ Hamilton Place Mall and Northgate Mall

・ Super Carniceria Loa

・ Women at the charity lift store

・ LifeSpring Community Health

・ Pediatric Medical Associates

・ Sekoya Health Center

Visit to see business days and hours.

Contact Elizabeth Fight [email protected] Or follow her on Twitter @ ecfite.


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