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Vegetarians have healthier biomarkers than meat eaters


  • British researchers have found that vegetarians have a better indicator of health, called biomarkers, than people who eat meat.
  • Vegetarians had overall low cholesterol levels, among other biomarkers.
  • Experts say people don’t have to be vegetarian to be healthy. Instead, eating moderate meat can lead to better health.

People who follow a vegetarian diet have a healthier biomarker profile than meat eaters, discovering new observations Research More than 177,000 British adults announced this week European Parliament on Obesity (ECO)..

According to researchers, this applies to people of all ages and weights and was unaffected by tobacco and alcohol consumption.

the term “BiomarkerIs a combination of two words, “biological markers,” which is a collection of medical signs that can be accurately measured.

Biomarkers indicate good or bad health effects, cardiovascular disease, age-related illness, and other chronic illnesses. It is also widely used to assess the health effects of diet.

To find out if dietary choices can alter levels of disease biomarkers in blood and urine, researchers at the University of Glasgow conducted a cross-sectional study analyzing data from 177,723 healthy participants. I did it. They are 37 to 73 years old, UK Biobank database and research resources.. They reported that the diet had not changed significantly over the last five years.

“Vegetarians and others [similar] Meal options are very popular. ” Carlos Celis Morales, The PhD, Principal Investigator of the Study, told Healthline. “But we don’t fully understand the health benefits of being a vegetarian compared to meat eaters.”

“To address the questions in this study, we used one of the most extensive studies available and used health-related biomarkers for people who self-reported as vegetarians or carnivores in at least the last five years. We compared large panels, “he said.

Celis-Morales and the team found that the levels of 13 vegetarian biomarkers were significantly lower. This indicates a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Researchers have found that vegetarians have low total cholesterol levels, both LDL (bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol, and that they have specific markers of liver function, among others.

Vegetarian participants had higher levels of triglyceride and a protein called cystatin C, which may indicate a decrease in renal function.

Despite these findings, Celis Morales said he did not expect people to immediately give up meat altogether.

“If we’ve been doing this for a long time, it’s not easy to stop eating meat,” said Celis Morales. “Therefore, a more feasible goal is to reduce intake and replace it with other healthy options such as oily fish, which is also a rich source of protein, omega-3s and other essential nutrients.”

“Yes, your lifestyle in general, especially your diet, has a huge impact on your overall health,” he said. Dr. Aeshita Dwivedi, A cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. “Many illnesses, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer, are strongly associated with eating habits.”

Dwivedi explained that limiting or eliminating meat, especially lean meat, has multiple health benefits.

“Studies show that a vegetarian or vegan diet can reduce the risk of elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure, which are precursors to heart disease,” she said. “In addition to being beneficial to heart health, the absence of meat can contribute to healthy weight loss and even reduce the risk of colon cancer.”

by Dr. Guy L. Mints, Director of Cardiovascular Health and Lipidology, Northwell Health, Sandra Atlas Bathhart Hospital, New York, Mediterranean dietHigh vegetable and fish intake can reduce the risk of death from a heart attack, stroke, or heart disease by about 30%.

He also mentioned dash (Diet to stop high blood pressure) A diet that can improve high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

“This study provides additional evidence and reassurance that a vegetarian diet can reduce the dangerous biomarkers that contribute to heart disease,” Mintz said. “These include total cholesterol, LDL (bad cholesterol), Lipoprotein A,and Lipoprotein B (Other bad cholesterol proteins), and inflammation. “

Mints believes that the best diet is what you can protect. It may contain meat for certain people. “Everything in moderation can coexist,” he said.

Mintz said that a heart-healthy diet should resemble a Mediterranean diet, consisting of vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, whole grains, olive oil, and moderate amounts of chicken and eggs, and sometimes He added that lean meat should be included.

“A meat-rich diet can increase levels of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol),” Dwivedi said.

She explained that this leads to the formation of obstructions that can lead to heart attacks and strokes, and elevated cholesterol levels can cause hardening of blood vessels, which also contributes to high blood pressure.

“Adopting a healthy plant-based diet slows the progression of the disease and in some cases even reverses it,” says Dwivedi. “Dietary changes can also help reduce the number of medications needed to manage chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure and diabetes.”

However, a healthy diet does not mean that you are completely refraining from meat.

“Sustainability is the key to a healthy lifestyle,” Dwivedi emphasized. “You need to follow a long-term viable diet, which may include eating moderate meat.”

She explained that lean meats like chicken and fish are healthier than lean meats like beef, lamb and pork.

“Red meat is also effective in providing protein without the downsides of high cholesterol,” she added.

According to Dwivedi, meat also provides vitamin B12, a vitamin that is lacking in a purely plant-based diet.

“Moderately, meat can also add a good variety and flavor profile to an individual’s diet,” she said.

British researchers have found that vegetarians have a better indicator of health, called biomarkers, than meat eaters.

Researchers have found that these biomarkers have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Experts say that meat does not have to be completely eliminated to enjoy health benefits. Switching to a moderate amount of lean meat, such as fish or chicken, can also help.

Experts also say that the best diet is something you can stick to, and a plant-rich Mediterranean or DASH diet that allows you to consume some meat is strongly associated with improved health.


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