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No, the COVID-19 vaccine has nothing to do with infertility

No, the COVID-19 vaccine has nothing to do with infertility


Let’s dive right away: No COVID-19 vaccine Does not cause infertility. It’s a myth.

“There is no evidence that the vaccine can lead to a loss of fertility,” says Jessica Shepherd, an obstetrician and gynecologist at the University of Illinois at Chicago. “Infertility has not been specifically studied in clinical trials of vaccines, but no loss of infertility has been reported among study participants or millions of people who have been vaccinated since approval, and infertility in animal studies. There were no signs of. ”

It’s wise to ask questions about medical care and read before deciding what to put in your body, but there’s no reason to think that the COVID-19 vaccine can cause infertility. “Three major specialized organizations focused on pregnancy and childbirth, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society, all for pregnant people as well as those considering pregnancy. We also recommend vaccination, “says Shepherd.

Nevertheless, the myth that the COVID-19 vaccine causes infertility in women is widespread on social media. I was so scared this year that I might be vulnerable to horrific horror. Social media may be good at disseminating false information, along with nice things like dog photos and makeup reviews. For some reason, even those who generally believe in science and listen to doctors agree with this.

So why did I hear this claim?

You may have seen Post Since the mRNA COVID vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) teach the body to fight peplomer, arguing that the vaccine can cause pregnancy problems because peplomer is also involved in pregnancy, social media Is going around. That is not true.

So CDC It explains that there is something called a “peplomer” on the surface of the COVID-19 virus. RNA vaccines work to “instruct cells to make harmless fragments” of these proteins. When our immune system recognizes a harmless version of the peplomer, it builds an immune response that protects us from COVID. afterwards, Protein is quickly destroyed by our cells, This is a natural process that cells use with proteins. The name mRNA sounds like DNA, but the vaccine does not interact with DNA.

“The two peaplomers are completely different and different. Vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine does not affect the birth of women seeking pregnancy, including in vitro fertilization.” write Dr. Lisa Maragakis, MD, Senior Director of Infection Prevention at Johns Hopkins, and Dr. Gabor Keren, MD, Director of the Office for Preparing and Responding to Critical Events at Johns Hopkins.

There is also a claim that vaccinated people can “flush” peplomomers. “This is a conspiracy created to weaken confidence in a series of vaccines that have been shown to be safe and effective in clinical trials,” said Christopher, Vice President of Practical Activities at the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Zahn says. Said Reuters.

These claims sound like science. But they are made up.

What is the data about this?

There were no vaccine trials using pregnant volunteers. However, as Shepherd points out, “Preliminary data on the COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy show the safety of both the Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines in more than 30,000 pregnant patients.”

She is talking about peer review Research Was published in New England Journal of Medicine In April, we examined data from 35,691 pregnant participants aged 16 to 54 years who received the mRNA COVID vaccine. No “clear safety signal” was found in this study. This means that there were no patterns of side effects on the vaccine. Malagakis and Keren also point out that 23 volunteers became pregnant during Pfizer’s vaccine trial and none of the vaccinated participants experienced a miscarriage.


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