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LA County Authorities Report 265 New Cases of COVID-19 and More Cases of British Variants – NBC Los Angeles


Los Angeles County reported 265 new cases of COVID-19 and 14 additional deaths on Saturday. Authorities reported more cases of British subspecies B.1.1.7.

Of the 40 specimens analyzed by the Los Angeles County Public Health Department last week, 53% were British variants and no California variants. The lab also detected six Brazilian (P.1) variants and one South African variant (B.1.351) last week.

Officials said recent studies provided evidence that currently available vaccines appear to be very effective against mutants circulating in Southern California. They cite a new study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, citing the risk of transmitting COVID-19 among fully vaccinated health care workers during a subspecies epidemic over the past few months. Was reduced by 94%.

“Currently, there is extensive research on vaccines, and each study shows a very high level of protection from COVID-19. These vaccines are safe and infected with COVID-19. There is a lot of evidence that it is very effective in preventing serious illness and death, “said Barbara Ferrer, director of public health, on Saturday. “If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, this is a good weekend to vaccinate. Vaccines are available on several county-operated sites without reservations and you can win Lakers season tickets. I can do it.”

Local authorities provide incentives for people to be vaccinated.

Anyone over the age of 18 who was first vaccinated on a county or city-operated vaccination site on Saturday or Sunday has a chance to win a Lakers season ticket. Those vaccinated at the Saturday Clinic at the Pantages Theater in Hollywood will have the chance to win a ticket to watch the hit musical “Hamilton.”

Saturday numbers have resulted in a total of 1,238,607 cases and 24,166 deaths in LA County since the outbreak of the pandemic.

According to state statistics, as of Saturday, 339 people were hospitalized in the county with COVID-19, up from 330 on Friday. There were 85 people in the intensive care unit, up from 78 on Friday.

The county will lift most of the COVID-19 restrictions on June 15th, following state initiative.

The state’s health and welfare secretary announced on Friday that California plans to abolish the blueprint for a safer economy planned for June 15. Face mask. Participation in large indoor events requires proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test, although some restrictions remain.

Health agencies in Los Angeles County and elsewhere are allowed to take stricter health measures than the state, but the county’s Public Health Service has issued a statement that it will comply with California regulations.

“I look forward to the changes coming on June 15th, like everyone else in California,” Feller said in a statement. “Together, we’re all working hard to keep cases, hospitalizations, and deaths low in LA County. Safely what we liked before the pandemic. It is not possible to fully emphasize how the vaccine reached the place where it could be done. “

A man in Orange County was discharged more than 7 months later due to complications of COVID-19. He lost his leg, but is grateful to be at home with his family. Kathy Vara reports on NBC4 News on May 21, 2021 at 5 pm.

“If you have postponed vaccination, please do not delay it any further,” she said. “Almost all COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths that are still occurring occur among people who are not completely vaccinated. This can be prevented.”

Feller released figures Thursday, and of the approximately 3.3 million people in the fully vaccinated county, only 933 were later infected with COVID-19. This is a percentage of 0.03%. Of these 933 “breakthrough” cases, only 71 were hospitalized at 0.002% of those who were completely vaccinated and 12 died at 0.00036%.

She said that of the 12 people who died, four had “significantly weakened their immune system” due to previous medical conditions and medications, emphasizing the need to continue to take precautions after a complete vaccination. ..

As of May 16, the county had more than 9.1 million vaccinations and more than 5 million inhabitants had at least one vaccination. She said that 61% of residents over the age of 16 have been vaccinated at least once and 47% are currently considered fully vaccinated.

The number of older people is higher, with 84% of residents aged 65 and over receiving at least one vaccination and 70% being fully vaccinated.

Racial and ethnic disparities continue. Of the population aged 16-64, only 34% of black residents receive at least one dose, compared to 57% of whites and 67% of Asians. The Latin population is 42%.

The county continues to operate large-scale vaccination sites, but the city of Los Angeles will phase out such large-scale sites on Friday for a full mobile vaccination effort by August 1. Announced plans to switch. Target those communities with below average immunization rates.


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